Page 49 of The Siren's Call

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“Holy hell, are you really going to eat five pizzas?”

“Yeah, no problems. I’ll probably eat these before you finish your measly three slices,” Misha laughs.

I just smile at him thinking, yeah right. As I’m opening my pizza box I look over to Luka and see he’s already eaten two slices of his pizza. These men, I honestly don’t know where they put it all. As I tuck into my first slice of Pepperoni heaven I moan. God I was hungry.

“See told you she was hangry, once she’s eaten that slice, she’ll stop moaning,” Luka says around a mouthful of his pizza.

“Thank God for that. If Kai comes in and hears her moaning like that, he’ll shoot us both in the head and ask questions later,” Misha states.

“Fuck off both of you, and let me enjoy my pizza. I haven’t eaten properly in days and you’re ruining my moment,” I say trying to enjoy my food.

“It’s easy for you to say, you won’t get your head shot off. That would definitely ruin my dinner,” Misha grouses.

“Now, you’re being dramatic. Kai wouldn’t shoot you for such a stupid thing.”

“You wanna bet? If he hears you moaning like that and it’s only us two here, what do you believe he’s going to think? Oh, it’s okay she’s just moaning over a pizza or she’s getting dicked? I’m a red-blooded male Red- he’d shoot us.”

“Fine. And you men call us dramatic. I’ll try to stop moaning, okay?” I roll my eyes at him making sure he sees me, before I get another bite from this slice of heaven.

“He has a point, Lena, just put yourself in Kai’s position. If you walked in and he was moaning like that, you wouldn’t think it was because of pizza, would you? You just broke someone’s nose, then had to be pulled off her, all of that for her just running her mouth. Then you caused even more shit by giving some dickhead a lap dance. You’re both as bad as each other,” Luka states.

I go quiet and continue eating my slice of pizza while mulling over what Luka just said. I suppose he’s right, we both tend to overreact where the other is concerned. So, I consciously try to continue with my dinner without any moaning.

About three slices in, a couple of chicken strips and some chips down, I’m stuffed. I look at the guys and Luka has finished everything and is scrolling on his phone. Misha has eaten every bit of his food and is sitting there with a smirk on his face. Fucker! I give him the middle finger and pour some more coke into my glass.

I go back over to the sofa and settle back into my blanket. Misha and Luka come and join me as I press play on the film. I get about two-thirds into the film and I can feel my eyes dropping. I try so hard to keep them open but fail and I drift off.

The next thing I know, huge arms are lifting me up and bringing me to a muscled chest. I take a breath and intuitively know it’s Kai from his Hugo boss cologne. I snuggle in and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Have you managed to eat, Kai?”

“Don’t worry, my Little Vixen, I’ve eaten my food. Now sleep, I’ve got you; I’m just taking you to bed.”

Kai places me in his bed and strips my pants and leggings off, leaving me just in his shirt, then covers me with the duvet. I hear him closing the doors; he must have also gone to get undressed. His side of the bed dips and he pulls me closer to him. I snuggle into him and his arm stays wrapped around my waist. His big body cocoons me, making me feel safe and secure. I drift back off to sleep, hoping we can stay like this forever. The thing is though; tomorrow always comes, whether we are ready for it or not.

Chapter 14


I wake up with Valentina spread over my chest. Her hair is covering my face, which is most likely what has woken me. It’s tickling my nose and I think I’ve inhaled some of it. I rub my nose and try to spit out her hair, fuck this. If I cough a fur ball up later, she’s going to get a reddened arse tonight.

I won’t tell her though, because to wake up with her small delicate body spread over mine is glorious. It’s not something I expected to want, need or crave, because I hated when women tried to touch me. Firm rules have always been in place. Some have tried, and their hands have been bound straight away. Valentina though has triggered a different reaction in me from the start. I crave her; her time, her touch, her body and her fight.

As I manage to get the last of her hair from my mouth, I try to untangle my legs from hers, but she’s like a baby monkey the way she’s clinging on to me. She moans in her sleep and clings on harder. That sound goes right to my dick. Her moans are so fucking delicious; even in her sleep I’m tempted to flip her over and eat her delectable pussy out until she wakes. But, I know I have far too much to do today if I wish to spend any time with her at all tonight.

I grapple with her clinging limbs and manage to free myself from her grasp; she huffs and ends up turning over, hugging onto her own pillow and snuggling back down with a contented hum. I look disgustedly at the pillow, now nestled between her breasts and thighs. What did it come to that I’m now envious of a fucking pillow. Fuck me! I need a coffee. I place the duvet back over her and leave her to sleep.

I shower and do the rest of my morning routine, then dress in my custom Savile Row suit, black shirt, and my bespoke Gaziano and Girling shoes. I take a last look at Valentina as I fix my cufflinks and fasten my watch, placing my gun in its holster and my knives in their custom sleeves.

I close the doors to our room and head towards the kitchen to get my much-needed coffee fix. Lev and Misha are looking at several files on the dining table as I arrive; they greet me and go back to the file. They know better than to talk to me before coffee. Luka is making some and, when I arrive, he places one in front of me.

“Double espresso shot; I’ll do your cortado now Boss.” Luka greets.

I nod and shoot back my espresso in one go. I head over to the fridge and grab a bottle of mineral water, opening it and taking a few swigs as I get back to the table where Lev and Misha are having a disagreement about something.

“Keep it fucking down, Valentina is still sleeping!” I grumble.

“Sorry Boss.” Misha grumbles
