Page 50 of The Siren's Call

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“Oh, I’m sorry that Princess Pea is still having her beauty sleep. We, on the other hand, are trying to keep your precious princess and the rest of us a-fucking-live.” Lev spits.

“Fucking wind your neck in arsehole. Also insult Valentina again and I’ll kill you myself. Now, what’s the update from the security team and has Ida been in touch?”

“Ida says that Mikhail’s soldiers have landed at Heathrow, private flight number 243-567. She’s tracking their vehicles, but it definitely looks like they are heading to the midlands. The security teams at all our venues are on high alert and I’ve called more reinforcements in. Ida has informed your Papa of the developments and he’s taken the necessary precautions with the family home, businesses and his flight arrangements.” Lev states.

“So why isn’t Ida here with you, who’s with her now?” I ask, getting more aggravated by the minute.

“She was tracking them and putting all the security measures into place. She sent me over to make you aware. Our main security squad was with her when I left… she was laying into Pasha. He was looking at her like he may just resort to shooting himself in the head,” Lev grumbles.

“Well, I’ll go and bring them here. Shit I’ve got enough shit to sort out today without all this added to it. Tell Valentina when she wakes that I want her ready when I arrive back. We’ll be heading out to The Siren’s Call tonight. Tell her I’ll message her the details.” I mutter as I grab my keys and start to head out.

“Kai I’ll come with you; you shouldn’t be heading out unguarded with all this going on!” Lev shouts.

“Like fuck you will, you need to stay here with Valentina. I want hourly updates on her.”

“Kai, she has a thirty-guard security team plus Misha and Luka. I think she’s got enough security. I’m coming with you.”

“I said stay the fuck here Lev, that’s a fucking order. If anything happens, I want Luka and Misha to hunker down here with Valentina. You, Lev, need to get to the roof. Take the fuckers out from your nest, I want Valentina unharmed do you all understand?” I look at all of them, making sure everyone is clear on their orders.

“Da Boss!” Misha answers immediately.

“You do understand that Valentina won’t just stand back and wait for you to come for her, right? She’s not the damsel in distress type, we’ll be lucky if we will be able to keep her here,” Luka argues.

“Are you telling me you and Misha aren’t up for the job Luka?” I question angrily.

“I’m saying you don’t know Valentina if you think she will just stay here!” Luka snaps back angrily.

This is the final straw with this idiot. I don’t, and have never, liked the relationship he has with Valentina. I flip out and grab him by the neck, pinning him to the table in a matter of seconds. I lean down and shout in his face as he struggles against me.

“Are you telling me you know my Queen better than me prick? Do you think I’m such a cunt that I’d allow you to fuck me over like that? I will fucking end you right here…”

“Kai, let Luka go dear. I need my morning tea before I can cope with the amount of testosterone in this room. I was having a lovely sleep before you lot started having a cock slinging contest. Morning Bear, babe,” Valentina says as she wanders towards the kitchen.

“Morning Red!” Misha replies, smiling at her.

“Am I just invisible here?” Lev gripes.

“No such luck arsehole, you always linger like a bad smell!” Valentina replies.

Misha sniggers and I can’t help but smile at the shit she always gives Lev; I release Luka with a shove, making my way toward the kitchen. She’s making her tea when I get there and I wrap my arms around her waist.

“I’m sorry we woke you, Little Vixen, I had meant to be back for when you awoke.”

“Don’t worry Kai, I need to do some exercise anyway this morning, not training and dancing will take its toll on me.”

I spin her around so she’s facing me, gripping her throat as I stare down at her.

“Are you saying you will be dancing in front of my men while I’m gone?”

“No Kai, I’m not in the mood to dance. I’ll be training with them instead.”

“What the fuck Valentina, are you stupid? They are trained bratva soldiers.”

I don’t have time to think about the stupidity of my own question before Valentina strikes. She knees me straight in my bollocks before I can react to the move. I groan and fall to my knees on the kitchen floor, cupping my battered balls.

“You men have a very obvious weakness that I love to exploit. You always forget about your dangling assets between your legs” Valentina says, as she circles me kneeling at her feet.

She puts her fingers under my chin, lifting my eyes to hers.
