Page 56 of The Siren's Call

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“You’ll be fine Bear; I’ll protect you, don’t worry. Now, have you got a plan, or do you want me to take the lead?” I inquire, grinning savagely.

“Fucking hell, are you sure I haven’t fallen asleep watching one of your film’s? Please tell me I’m dreaming, and I’ll wake up any second.” Misha pleads.

“No, this is Valentina: the uncut version I’m afraid, Misha. Best just hold on for the ride because it’s about to get bumpy,” Luka voices.

I give him a dirty look and then pinch Misha. He doesn’t even flinch, but I get my point over.

“See- not dreaming big guy, we only have a short amount of time left. I say we attack them from the lift side with the soldiers guarding the reception area. We can keep them at bay and try to force them back outside so Kai and the other forces can take them from out there. They will have no escape from our ambush,” I explain.

Misha looks at me like I’ve grown a second head.

“You’re full of surprises Red, that just might work. You must stay behind us though Valentina. Do you understand?” He orders.

“Of course,” I say smiling.

I have no intentions of staying behind them, but I’ll agree for now. Luka is looking at me. Knowing full well I won’t, he shakes his head in dismay.

Misha gets a call to say Papa’s soldiers have arrived via Isadora, who’s monitoring their moves. She relays that they are only a couple of minutes away due to Kai’s erratic driving.

We head towards the lift and when we step in, I pull my hood over my hair. Pulling the guns from my belt, I take a deep breath and ready myself for the fight. As I watch the number on the dial go down, a shiver runs down my body in anticipation. It’s always like this when I fight, I think I’m a blood thirsty bitch at heart.

Chapter 16


I’m pushing my Bentley Gt Continental to its limits as Isadora is scanning footage on her laptop in the passenger seat. At the moment she’s tracking Mikhail’s forces and also deploying her drones to locations outside of the hotel. Pasha is trying to keep up with us, with the rest of my men in pursuit. We’re about five minutes away when Isadora’s Laptop starts bleeping.

“They just arrived at the Enigma Nikki, your men are ready in the reception area, and I’ve just sent them a warning now. Lev’s just going to nest and assures me your little princess is safe with Misha and Luka.”

“Good we’re about five minutes max away now, have you put the safety measures in place on the hotel?”

“I have initiated all safety measures. The soundproofing has activated in every hotel room, doors are all locked so no guests can leave. The staff have given the protocol message to all the hotel guests, telling them they must stay in their rooms. The guests have also had complimentary food and beverages. The windows are all now replaying the past hours footage, so we don’t have to worry about onlookers. The roads have been blocked off by our men. Just in case any guests arrive, my Idabots have just arrived.”

“Good, the sooner we get this under control the better. I’ll have to contact Victoria at Star Press to get a handle on any reports. She’ll have to put a spin on it for us and overshadow any stories. What the fuck are your Idabots Ida?”

“I’m glad you listened to my advice in buying a press office, they definitely come in handy. Doesn’t Victoria normally ask for a fuck in return for her services Nikki? I can’t see Valentina liking that, can you? Oh, my Idabots are my drone’s dickhead, they have certain modifications that have turned them into right little deadly fuckers.”

“Victoria will do as she’s instructed, or she will be disposed of. Plenty of people are willing to do her job if she doesn’t like it. I fucked her because it was convenient, now it’s not. I don’t even want to ask you what you’ve done to your drone’s, just make sure the little fuckers don’t kill us or my men.”

“I have programmed them with facial recognition and uploaded all Mikhail’s men’s images into them. Don’t worry, my little hellions will behave. What do you take me for Nikki?”

“The psychotic bitch you are Ida! We are couple of minutes off now.”

“Perfect. Everything’s set up and ready, my phone will control my Idabots, so I’ll press the button when we need them. Did you k… Oh shit!”

“What? What the fuck’s up Ida?”

“The penthouse lifts just activated, it’s on its way down to ground level. I’m logging into the reception camera’s now, maybe it’s Misha on his way down.”

“What the fuck, he was instructed to stop with Valentina. Why the fuck does nobody do as they are told anymore?”

“Looks like your control is slipping Nikki, you best get that shit fixed fast.”

“Fuck off Ida, we’re here. Now sort your shit out.”

We both check our weapons as I pull up just a short way from the Enigma. We get out and start to make our way forward but have to retreat slightly as a bullet hits the branch directly above my head. Pasha and the rest of my men pull up and form a bullet proof barrier with their Range Rover SV’s.

As my men exit their vehicles, we all gather behind them as I wait for confirmation from Lev that Steel Eye has been terminated. I’m just about to ask Ida for a sit-rep of inside the hotel when several bullets rain down on us again. Pasha dives on me and covers me, using his body as a shield. I manage to see another one of my men has done the same for Ida. Pasha grunts, but the gun fire abruptly stops. Pasha rolls off me, holding his side with a pained look on his face. I help him up and assess his side; he’s taken a bullet for me.
