Page 90 of The Siren's Call

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Ida switches the footage back to the drones and brings up a small screen on its monitor. A small object shoots past the screen and the little screen shows it’s trajectory towards the helicopter. The small screen approaches the helicopter and then slams down on the back of the cabin.

She switches the view back to the Bobee and focuses on Misha.

“Get up Misha, honey. You tried your best; we will find her I promise.” Ida pleads with a distraught Misha who is slumped on his knees.

I stumble and my Papa guides me to a chair. I’m numb, unable to form a rational thought at the moment.

I hear their voices around me, and just sit there on autopilot. They have my Queen, and it’s all my fault. It’s her Papa, it must be, and someone on my team has betrayed me.

Once her Papa has her, the clock will be ticking. I know he will punish her for her disobedience. My Queen’s life is in the balance. I need to help her believe me, anybody involved in taking her will pay with their lives.

My phone ring’s again and I ignore the call from Misha, looking at the icon showing my missed call. I click on it and bring the phone to my ear.

“You have one new voicemail, new voicemail playback,” the phone announces.

My blood runs cold when I hear Valentina’s panicked voice between the gunfire in the background.

“Kai. I don’t have long baby, but I need you to know this. I need you to know I love you; I’ve not wanted to admit it to myself, let alone you. We are under attack and I’m not sure I’m going to make it, so I need to make sure you hear me say it to you. I always said we weren’t destined for a happy ever after, but know I will try everything I can to get back to you. If I don’t make it just know I love you, even in death. Sam has been shot, she’s lying face down bleeding and not moving. Luka is trying to fight them off, but there are too many Kai. Juliet is in the walk-in hiding under my dresses. If Misha doesn’t manage to rescue her…” There’s a pause and I’m frantic to hear her voice again. Then, seconds later.

“I have to go now Nikolai. If I don’t see you again, know I’m safe with my Mama and love you so much.”

Then nothing. Silence and the voicemail kicks in again. I roar and throw the chair, along with anything I can get my hands on across the room. My phone smashes against the wall and I feel hands grabbing me. I’m not going to sit here any longer, my Queen needs me.

“Kai, you need to calm down and think about this logically, you are no good to Valentina…” I interrupt my Papa’s words.

“Don’t you fucking dare even breathe her name, do you hear me?” I say, as I point in my papa’s face furiously.

“My boy you need to think…” My papa tries again, but this is wasting my time.

“I need to save my Queen that’s what I need to do, fuck whatever you think. She means nothing to you, but to me she is MY FUCKING WORLD!” I roar in my Papa’s face.

I turn and rush toward the door. Frantic voices call after me, but I pay them no attention. I walk into the church and ignore all the eyes that are zoned in on me. Dimitri rushes over and I continue walking towards the exit.

“Dimitri, stop him quickly.” I hear Ida shout from behind me.

Dimitri tries, but I turn and push him so hard he falls to the floor. He looks at me distraught, but I have no time to reassure him. There’s no reassurance to be had.

As I push the doors to the church open, I hear Ida scream “No…” behind me and that’s when I see them. I feel the first bullet hit my arm and then another one pierces my stomach, knocking me onto my back. As I lie there, starting to choke on my own blood, I think of my Queen. I see her beautiful face flash before my eyes, and it’s as though I can almost reach out to touch her.

I try to lift my arm to touch her smiling face, but I get it about halfway towards her before it drops back down to the floor. I see Ida above me, frantically trying to stop the blood from my wounds.

The last thought I have is for my Queen, my world, my soul’s keeper. I made her a promise that I intend to keep ‘I’ll be waiting, my Little Siren, for we will rule the afterlife together for eternity once you are safely back at my side.’

Chapter 24


Time is such a precious commodity in life, for me I wish I could turn back the clock. Right wrongs that scarred my soul, and made me who I am today. They say time heals all wounds, what a crock of shit that saying is. I treat it as my count down to the end, some try to prolong the end, I welcome it. My time to others costs money, after all they pay for an impeccable service, but my customer services is debatable.

I blame other men for my woes, which is true, but it is not just them to blame. One man was the catalyst to all of these events, one man I will destroy as soon as I find him. His actions had a butterfly effect on all of our lives, plunging our world as we know it into darkness. I know some of his sins, and they are unforgivable, truly monstrous acts. I also have a nagging feeling the worst is yet to come.

I’m currently at a dead end in my search for answers, but this has by no means been a waste of time. I have one of my chips collected and a shit ton of leads to follow.

The path I’m about to take is wrong but I have no other option. This is how it has to be. She doesn’t deserve this, but she’s strong she will handle it. She won’t forgive it, and I can’t blame her, but sometimes you have to do what’s best for the bigger picture. She will hate me, they all will, but let them hate me it’s what I need them to do if the next part of my plan is going to work…

To be Continued…
