Page 89 of The Siren's Call

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“There is no answer from Misha, Sam, or Luka. I have reports from some of the men outside, of a helicopter landing on the roof. They are trying to gain entry to the building again but are finding problems accessing the entrances,” Lev reported.

“They are currently trying to break in and give us an update, as none of the teams from the inside are answering.”

“Fuck, this doesn’t feel right at all,” I roar.

“How do a task force of men get past my soldiers, and manage to lock up my fucking hotel?” I clenched my fists, frustrated. “This screams sabotage and I want the insider found immediately.” Lev nods, gritting his teeth in annoyance.

“We’ve missed something big here and now my bride is in danger from my own stupidity,” I roar, slumping into the chair.

“It will be okay Kai; we will sort everything out my child. Keep your head and think about this. Can you think of any of the men that would betray you?” Papa reasons.

“No Papa, all of our men are vetted and only the trusted ones are given high positions in the ranks. The only new one is Luka, but I can’t believe he would betray Valentina. He has risked his life on numerous occasions for her. He knows that betraying her now would still lead him to his death by her Papa’s hands,” I reply.

“I have Bobee live and going up to the penthouse as we speak. There are several dead on both sides in the stairwell, no sign of Misha or Pasha yet on the face recognition,” Ida interjects.

“Have you got visuals on the outside of the church yet?”

“I’ve already gained back control on the entrances and allowed the men access. They are not far behind Bobee. I’ve just released Horny and Sting out of the window and they’re doing recon on the surrounding area,” Ida straightens up, typing fast.

“They are compiling a report as we speak. I’ve left them to concentrate on Bobee and gain access to the hotel.”


She nods. “I’ve also managed to gain access to the hotel opposite the Grand Emperor, to view the roof. The reports of a helicopter are correct and there is currently one on the landing pad of our hotel,” Ida reports, while continuing to frantically type away on the keyboard.

I hear a ping on my phone and grab it out of my pocket. It’s a missed voicemail so I place it back and rush to Ida’s laptop to see the footage from Bobee. The footage is brilliant considering it’s a drone. As it reaches the door to the penthouse reception, I wonder how the hell it’s going to gain entry. Suddenly a wire shoots past the camera and attaches itself to the door. The wire tightens, the door flies open, and Bobee flies through.

Fuck me the number of bodies scattering the floor is mind blowing; squares fly over the screen and scan the faces of the men within seconds. The doors look like they have been blown off as the drone passes. The penthouse tells the same story, bodies littering the floor; then we see somebody flying across the room and hear a roar coming from within.

We watch as Misha flies across the room and bashes smashes the man’s head repeatedly off the floor, smashing his skull to bits. Several other men run towards Misha, but don’t get a chance to get to him as several wires shoot out of the drone again. This time they insert themselves into the men’s bodies and we watch, captivated as they start convulsing.

“That’s my boy, fry the fuckers,” Ida shouts gleefully.

“What the fuck’s it doing to them?” Lev asks shocked.

“He tasered the fuckers, but Bobee’s voltage fry’s your brain,” Ida gloats.

“Fuck where’s Misha going?” I ask as Misha rushes off somewhere.

“Let me put the mic on,” Ida says.

Bobee pans around the room and finds Misha, stumbling towards the penthouse reception. He’s holding his abdomen on the left-hand side, bumping up against the wall.

“Misha, where the fuck is Valentina?” I shout.

Misha’s steps falter, but it doesn’t stop him on whatever mission he’s determined to do.

“She gave herself up so they wouldn’t kill me, I have to get to her. Why did she do it? I begged her not too.” Misha groans, still stumbling along and pushing through the stairwell doors.

“Who’s got her and where are they?” I roar.

“Roof, helicopter, I have to get to her,” he says, as he trundles up towards the roof.

Ida taps frantically at the keyboard, which minimises the drone’s camera footage and brings up a camera view. It must be the hotel across the road. A helicopter takes off just as she enlarges the image.

“No!” I roar, jumping up.

We see Misha, followed by Ida’s drone rush through the roof door. Misha falls through the door and collapses to his knees when he sees he’s too late.
