Page 73 of His Wolf Protector

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“No. But I’m sure you could find someone who could figure it out.”

Eris didn’t respond. Looking away in guilt, she turned back more determined.

“Remy, why do we have to be on opposite sides?”

“Because what you want is not what I want, and you are a psychopath.”

“I’m not,” she said vulnerably.

“Which is definitely not what a psychopath would say,” I said taking another sip.

“Look, Remy, I want to be married to you as much as you want to be married to me,” she said dropping the façade.

“If that’s the case, then let’s call it off. Let’s just walk away, forget this ever happened.”

“So, what would you prefer, that my father kill everyone you know?”

“You’re right. You’re definitely not a psychopath. What was I thinking?”

“Am I wrong? Do you see any scenario where my father chooses to walk away from this while letting you keep your business or your life? Tell me, do you see that? Do you see anything like that happening?”

I thought about it. She was right and I knew it.

“That’s what I thought. And do you see any scenario where I don’t get married off to some asshole princeling that doesn’t give two shits about me?”

I thought about that too.

“So, what I do, I do for survival. And I’m sorry that you happened to be the best of my truly awful options, but you are. So, you’re going to learn to live with it, and you’re going to do it without making me feel like shit for the rest of my life.

“I deserve happiness too, you know. And if you give us a real try, maybe it wouldn’t be what either of us wants, but perhaps there’s a way that we could still be happy,” she said sincerely.

I lowered my head considering what she had said. She wasn’t wrong. She was in as shitty a situation as I was. We were both trapped. There was no denying it.

I sighed in resignation.

“That’s kind of why I brought us here.”

“What?” Eris asked confused.

“You asked where I’ve been for the past few days. It was a place where I could get my thoughts straight. You’re right. You’ve been right. Your father isn’t going away. Like it or not, this is my new reality. Either I can accept it or die fighting it. And like you, I’m a survivor.”

“So, what does this mean?” She asked apprehensively.

“It means, you win. I’m not going to fight it anymore. There’s a path somewhere in there for me to be happy and I’m going to take it.”

“You are?” She asked suspiciously.

“I am,” I said resigned.

“That’s good,” Eris said doubtfully.

“It is what it is.” I turned towards the door. “Oh. And on that note, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

I waved getting Lucien’s attention.

“Who’s that?”

“That’s Lucien. He’s going to be my best man.”
