Page 38 of 183 Reasons

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He then dips between my legs, pushes my knees back, and spreads me wide open. I am panting and moaning at every swipe of his tongue. When he hits the right spot, he senses it; I tilt my head back to the stars, the fire blazing on my skin, and shudder and pulsate in complete and utter ecstasy. As my body shakes in release, Jackson reaches his hand to my breasts and continues to drain every last ounce of passion from me. He doesn’t stop as I moan and yell his name into the night. I am floating. Jackson kisses his way up my body and reclines by my side.

“You … you are amazing,” he purrs in my ear.

I turn my face toward his, admiring the way the fire glow flickers on his skin and lights up his chest. “Where did you come from?”

I tuck in close to his magnificent form and wonder how I got so lucky.


She is asleep on my chest, and I gently sift through her hair. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who makes me excited for tomorrow before the sun has risen. Her presence calms my soul. The sound of her crying out my name and witnessing her body react to the pleasure was more than I could have asked for. Every touch, every move was a perfectly played note.

I lie perfectly still under the blanket, her warm body wrapped around me. I never thought I’d be in this situation this summer. Our worlds have collided, and the connection that’s forming is undeniable.

The cloudless night glows with the burn of countless, distant galaxies. Mountain ridges across the land paint the sky with their shadowed peaks, perfectly curated brushstrokes from an artist’s hand. The air is still, the only sound the faint crackle of the dwindling fire and soft breaths leaving Solia’s lips. The warmth of her exhales tickles the side of my neck. I pull the blanket higher to keep the chill at bay.

As I lie holding her, I look to the sky and ask what the fuck I’m supposed to do now. Solia is not going to jump in my pickup and hightail it out of Meriden. Before meeting Solia, leaving seemed best, and I promised myself I would come clean if this date went well. But lying here with this woman in my arms, it physically pains me to think of telling her what happened last summer. Leaving Meriden and everything behind has to be the right thing to do. I made up my mind, and everything is already arranged. There are too many people counting on me to start second-guessing myself now.Right?

The day Solia drove into town, the fog I’d been living in started to lift. My thoughts are clearer, and I once again see the beauty of the hometown I’ve loved my whole life. I’m falling in love with this woman. She’s already taking up space in my heart. I need to go before this gets deeper so I can leave assured my heart is the only one breaking.

The fire is almost out, and the temperature is dropping. I gently pull my arm from under her neck, throw my shirt over my head, crouch low, and scoop her from the ground, trying to keep the blankets wrapped around her cradled in my arms. I walk to the house as she tucks herself tighter into my embrace and peeks from under her sleepy lids.


“Hey there, sleepyhead. I’m taking you inside. It’s late and getting cold.”

“I’m so embarrassed. I never intended to fall asleep.”

“I guess I must have tired you out.” I pull open the sliding screen door using my foot and carefully walk into her bedroom. There is nothing I want more than to lie her down and make love to her. For better or worse, my head shows up to stop my emotions. She deserves better; she deserves the truth. I lower her into her bed and gently tuck the blankets around her.

“Thank you, Jackson,” she says, low and enticing. I want to hear my name on her lips again, but louder. I haven’t begun to pleasure her in all the ways I’m capable of. I’m rethinking my decision to leave her alone in bed.

“You’re welcome, Solia.” I softly place my lips on her cheek and refrain from moving any further. “I’m going to make sure the fire is out, and I’ll lock the door.”

“Mmm, OK.”

I walk outside and see only dark red ash in the firepit with little smoke swirling into the air, so I pour water from the bucket nearby to extinguish it completely. Using the flashlight from my phone, I collect the rest of the blankets and Solia’s belongings. I tiptoe into the cabin through the screen door to find Solia leaning against the wooden post wearing a short, pink bathrobe, looking seductive. I’m not sure my self-control is strong enough for this.

Without breaking my stare, I walk to the couch and drop everything. In my peripheral vision, I spot her pink thong on top of the pile and wish I could eat those off her body again. But since her panties are on the couch, that means she isn’t wearing them under her bathrobe. I want to rip the bathrobe off, toss her over my shoulder, and carry her back into the bedroom. I’ll get her wet and ready and open her wide. I want my name reverberating off these log walls.

“Thank you for taking care of everything outside. I had an amazing time tonight, Jackson.”

“I did too.” I close the gap between us and wrap my arms around her waist. She embraces me in return. I gently kiss the top of her head and hold my breath. “Get a good night’s sleep.” If I stay one more second, there will be no turning back, so I force my feet to the door and convince myself not to turn around.

I’m exhausted but still hard as a rock when I get home. The last thing I want is to lie in bed and beat myself up for not being truthful with Solia. I want to hold on to the magic of tonight for as long as I can. In the darkness, I envision lying with her by the fire, her skin brushing against mine.

* * *

The work week goes by much the same as last week. The weather is beautiful, and the vacationers fill the streets and the shoreline. Each day that passes, more and more out-of-state plates drive into town. Seeing the trucks and SUVs filled with children and boats being towed to the shores of Newfound Lake reminds me, once again, that this place is a slice of paradise.

The increase in visitors results in the orchard being busier. We try to give our staff rotating time off, but it gets tough with the demands of the farm. The harvest this season is the best it’s been in years, and the business side of things has never been so profitable. It goes to show that when people love their town and the surrounding businesses, the success of the farm and the happiness of the people go hand in hand. Word of our farm and cozy corner of the world has traveled far and wide, and it never gets old welcoming new folks to the farm and showing them around.

Throughout the week, I replay the moments Solia and I shared. I picture the very first time I saw her in the hardware parking lot, how perfectly she fits in with our lakeside town, and then her on my lap during the tractor ride. This thought leads to the next, which leads to another, and the next thing I know, my pulse is racing and I don’t want the chain of memories to end.

I head out to the store for my last delivery, and a text comes through from Solia.


Hey, stranger. Plans tomorrow night? Mia is in town, and we were thinking of going out.
