Page 60 of 183 Reasons

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“Sure, I get it. I’ll keep you in the loop.”

As I retreat to the house to check on my grandparents, I spot a soccer ball rolling down the drive in my peripheral view. Breaking into a jog, I stop it before it ends up all the way down the hill. I hold the heavily worn ball, turn in the direction from which it came, and spot a woman running toward me in an electric-pink tank top. She looks to be in her late twenties and is coming toward me at a full sprint. As she approaches, her eyes meet the soccer ball, and she stops and bends in half, hands on her knees, back heaving with deep breaths.

“Hey, thanks so much. We live up the road there,” she says between gasps, standing slowly and pointing at the steep incline, “and my kids can’t seem to keep the ball in our yard. Sorry about that.”

“You bought the O’Briens’ old place, huh? Sorry I haven’t had a chance to introduce myself.” I smile and hand her the ball. “Glad I could grab it. You would’ve had quite a run if it had kept rolling.”

“Thanks so much. We lived in the town over, but we’re loving Meriden. The closer we can get to the lake, the better. Is this your land here?”

“Sure is. Well, it’s my family’s land. I’m Jackson. Nice to meet you.”

She gives me a firm handshake. “Katie. Nice to meet you. Do you have any children?”

Somewhat surprised by her question, I squint in response. “No, I don’t.”

“Oh, just curious. I joined the Meriden Youth Soccer Board. Trying to jump right in and they seemed desperate for help. And they’ve got that wind company, Green Breeze Enterprise, partnering with them. It’s not a terrible thing. We made out in the deal, but I’m curious if you know anything. They offered a thousand dollars to print their logo on the back of a team jersey from each division. On top of sponsorship, we’re one of the property owners considering the deal they’re offering.”

“Didn’t you just buy the place? Why would you ever do that?” I pause. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so rude. We received a letter, too, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting this happen here.”

“Trust me, it’s not what we want either. We’ve only just settled in and love it. The only reason we deal with northern winters is because the beauty is unparalleled. But as luck would have it, my husband lost his job a month to the day after we had our closing, and we’ve got three young children.” She looks at the beat-up soccer ball. “Leaving is the last thing we want and wind turbines on our land sounds awful, but land is something we have. And money is something we don’t. This company is offering a lifeline, one I’m not sure we can turn down.” She looks desperate and my heart breaks. This company is pulling on the heartstrings of good people. It just isn’t right.

“I understand why you are considering it, but it’ll destroy this area, plain and simple.”

“It’s an unfortunate predicament to be in. I heard there’s supposed to be an update at the next town council meeting. See you there?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there. Good luck.” I dip my head and walk to my truck. I decide to skip talking with my grandparents. I know we have a problem on our hands if some property owners are considering the deal.



It’s not going to happen, Mia.


Another one bites the dust. ??

When are you coming back to visit? I could use a little more Mia time.

Actually . . . I’ve been messaging with Tyler and was hoping to see you both soon.

Why am I not surprised?

I have a few vacation days I still need to take this summer. How’s this Sunday night till Tuesday?

I’ll be here.

K, I’ll let Ty know.

Seriously? Ty? You already have nicknames …

Never too soon. TTYL!

Nothing should surprise me when it comes to Mia. But I guess I’d rather her be in New Hampshire dating one of Jackson’s friends than swiping right on another weirdo stranger. Having her come for a couple days is just what I need.

* * *

Looking at my watch, I figure I have some time to head out on the water for a quick go-round. One of my goals this summer is to try launching my board at different spots on the lake to see it in its entirety. Newfound isn’t large in comparison to others in the area, but on a paddleboard, it takes quite a bit longer to circumnavigate. There are only so many miles I can paddle before my arms grow too exhausted, so launching from different places allows me to see new sections.
