Page 64 of 183 Reasons

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“Solia, watch your tone.” She clears her throat. “That’s wonderful news. It seems you’ve checked one necessary box. Good job. I’ll let you speak with your father now. I hope you’re planning ahead for the winter weather too.”

My dad takes it off speaker, so it’s just the two of us talking. “It’s great to hear Mike Kelley is stepping up. He’s a good man, Solia. He’s Meriden born and bred, like your grandparents. If there is anyone you want on your side, he’s the guy. If it were us fighting this, he’s the lawyer I’d call. Let Mike and Gerry take the lead. You’re in expert hands over there. Just keep us in the loop. There may be some property owners who are out to make a buck and won’t think twice about leasing their land, or worse yet, selling it. It wouldn’t surprise me.”

I’m glad my father is confident enough to allow me to take this on. “Thanks. I know you weren’t sure I should come here and handle everything, never mind adding this to the picture. But I’m doing the right thing, Dad. I’ll do whatever I can to get this company out of Meriden. We had a resident meeting and …”

“Honey …”

“Let me guess. You already know.”

“Sure do. I haven’t heard how it went, but I knew Gerry scheduled it. Did it go well?”

“Ask Gerry.”

“Don’t you be picking on my buddy, Solia. If you ever need anything that we can’t get there fast enough for, you call him. OK?”

“Yes, Dad. He’s been great, even if you told him to check on me.”

“Can you blame me?”

“Sounds like you’re figuring it out, Solia,” my father says, clearing his throat as his voice dips a little lower.

“Love you guys. I’ll text or call soon.”

“Here’s your mom.” Dad hands her the phone.

“One more thing, honey—I’m sure he’s a catch, but remember your track record. Be careful.”

Jeez, is anything off-limits?

“Mom, he’s great but unavailable. He’s leaving town at the end of the summer. It’s just another dead end.”

“Oh, Solia. Don’t be so dramatic. Have fun. You never know how things will turn out. Enjoy the weather and be safe. Don’t forget the trash.”

“Thanks, Mom. I won’t forget the trash.”

Wait until I see Gerry next.

I laugh out loud as I put the truck in reverse and head back to my peaceful paradise in the woods.


The meeting couldn’t have gone better, thanks to the majority of town residents who showed. I have such a sense of pride watching the lengths people will go to for their neighbors and to preserve the integrity of this town we love. Having Mike Kelley on our team is certainly the cherry on top. I’m trusting this man to stop us from falling into the deep trench Green Breeze is digging.

I also have complete faith that more than enough people will prepare words for the public comment portion of the meeting. I need to brainstorm what I’m going to say.

Gerry’s done such a great job of informing the public, despite the fact he has zero knowledge of social media. He uses every opportunity to spread the word. I’m fairly convinced the residents of Meriden either spoke to Gerry directly or someone relayed his message to them. “Get to the next town hall meeting to save Meriden” has been echoing along the mountainside ever since the first Green Breeze meeting, thanks to Gerry.

I, too, have been so focused on getting the word out and focusing on how I can help Solia that the summer is slipping through my fingers like beach sand. In a mere few weeks, I’ll be leaving Meriden behind, but not before we release the grip Green Breeze is trying to secure. The reality of leaving is hitting home and missing this place wasn’t supposed to inflict this level of discomfort.

Solia continues to infiltrate my thoughts. I can’t avoid her and frankly, I don’t want to. We’ve shared many intimate stories and experiences in the little time we’ve had. That, combined with this burning sexual desire I have for her, means I can’t get her off my mind. I wake up thinking of her being by my side and close my eyes at night with her silhouette outlined in my dreams.

I know I’ve made a promise to my father, and I would never want to break that. Maybe this is an example of that saying, “You want what you can’t have.” When I see her next, I’ll try to remember that and maybe I won’t picture her naked or dream how amazing it would be to make love to her. It’s worth a try.


Hey, you guys free tonight?

