Page 25 of Legion of Kings

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To be fair though, that’s exactly why I didn’t want women in my fucking gang.

“She’s under observation. Until further notice, you’ll respect her the same way you respect all the other Kings. If you don’t, you’ll be disciplined.” My tone was hard and cold. I was just on the edge of me flipping out.

“You look me in my fucking face and tell me you’re not trying to bring her in so you can fuck her.” Sumo stood, shooting over my head and eclipsing my frame.

“When have you ever known me to put a female above my brothers?” I asked him.

“When have you ever brought a fucking bitch into observation? You know it’s going to cause drama. Can’t you fuck her without bringing her into the Kings?”

“I don’t want to fuck her!” My voice exploded. My breaths came in short puffs as I calmed myself down enough to explain to Sumo…toallof them, what I saw in Jupiter last night.

“She grew up at Ocean View Home for Girls. She’s never belonged anywhere. If anybody can understand that empty goddamn feeling it’s the Kings. Y'all saw how hard she went so she has heart and she’s not scared of anything.” I paused when I realized my heart was pounding and my hands were buzzing. Talking about Jupiter was a rush.

I swallowed a knot forming in my throat and finished telling them how Jupiter could benefit our gang and how much money and protection we stood to have with her on our team.

When I was done talking, Pretty Boy was more on board than he was at first, even though I knew he’d have to observe her before he made a final decision. I respected that.

I knew Truck liked her because she reminded him of Queenie. I guess I liked her too. She was bad as fuck and I’d never seen a chick go as hard as she did.

Even in a room full of my boys, thinking about her pulling a gun on me while I had her pinned to the wall was making my dick hard. Then my brain shifted to her flashing me last night. Jupiter had perfect tits. They were smooth cocoa mouthfuls peaked with velvet chocolate nipples. The barbells piercing them only highlighted how damn sexy they were. When I spotted the tattoos covering the side of her breast, I wanted to lick it. Shit, I wanted her titties in my mouth the minute she lifted her top.

“So let’s vote on bringing her in if she passes observation,” I said, lifting my hand in the air.

Whenever we voted on something, the votes usually swung one way or the other. Whenever we were split down the middle, we had to call in a lower-level king to help break the tie.

I already knew the outcome of this vote.

Truck, Pretty Boy, and I voted Jupiter in. Sumo voted her out. We overruled him and he was pissed but we had rules and codes we followed. If he didn’t like it, he could leave. He was my brother but I refused to tolerate disobedience.

“Let me guess, you’ll observe her tonight?” Sumo chuckled arrogantly before storming out of the room.

“Talk to him, Pretty Boy. Please because I swear, I’m so fucking close to breaking his big ass face.” I fisted my hands at my sides. Energy pumped through me so fast that I had to move. I needed to shake this shit off. I hated when I butted heads with one of my brothers but if I had to, I’d fuck Sumo up.

“You like her too,” Truck said once we were alone in the living room.

“She’s cool, man. She’d be a good fit.” I paced the floor to release some of the pent-up energy bouncing around inside of me.

“I think so too,” he smiled.

“I gotta get the hell away from here before I fuck around and do something I might regret.” I grabbed my keys and left the apartment, slamming the door behind me.

I had no idea how it happened or why but, I ended up in Jupiter’s room. I vaguely remembered climbing through her window but now I was definitely standing in her room. Was I that pissed at Sumo? I drove to Jupiter’s house, climbed through her bedroom window, and now I’m waiting for her to do…what?

Talk to me.

The answer came from somewhere deep in my chest. I was about to leave and drive around to clear my head when I heard the front door open. Jupiter’s voice streaked the air with sound when just seconds ago, it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

She was on the phone. I got caught up in the sound of her voice. The clarity and snap of her words. She spoke like she hand-picked each one before she said it.

Her voice got closer and I snapped out of the fog, tossing my leg out of her window. Before I could move any further, the door opened and Jupiter stood there frowning at me with the phone pinned between her ear and shoulder.

“Let me call you back, Jay. Love you too.” She ended the call and I wondered who the fuck Jay was. She was on the phone with him when I came last night too.

Did she have a man?

“I thought observation was supposed to be stealthy. I can see your stupid ass, King.” She rolled her eyes and put her things down before anchoring her hands to her hips. She walked with so much attitude and purpose. It was annoying as fuck. She acted like she owned the world.

Granted I was in her room so, shedidown this world.
