Page 98 of Legion of Kings

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“Of course,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Bye, Marsh.” I ended the call and looked at King. “Why the fuck do you want to go to this ball?” I asked.

“Because I want to see you dress up in YSL head to toe. I want to show you off since I know your father won’t. This ball is about money. He doesn’t give a fuck about inviting you. I do though.” He kissed the back of my hand. My belly filled with something thick and sweet. How did he go from asshole to sweetheart in a matter of unpredictable moments?

“Damn shame my man had to be the one to invite me out properly,” I sighed.

“You know I got you, baby.” He kissed my shoulder.

“Oh god, I remember hating when you called me baby. You were so arrogant.”

“You always loved that shit. You were fronting back then.” His grin was wide and beautiful. I still saw flecks of loss behind his eyes. I knew he’d heal from losing Truck but he’d always carry it with him. I already saw the impact in his irises. King would never be the same. I had to learn to love him in all his different stages. This slightly more damaged King was still mine. He just needed extra love.

“I wasn’t,” I lied to him. From the first time he called me baby, it set off alarms in my head. It’s why I reacted so harshly to it. It made me feel like I belonged to him. Like I could feel the chain that linked us together clinking into place.

“Your voice gets really high when you lie, Ju,” he chuckled.

“Fuck you. It does not.”

It absolutely did.

“Yeah okay. You love when I call you baby now. You eat that shit up like ice cream.”

“I kinda like it,” I shrugged one shoulder.

“Let me call you baby forever then, Ju.” His eyes turned serious. So serious that my throat almost closed up. I shook my head, wondering if I heard him correctly.

“You mean…forever like…”

“Like I want to call you baby forever,” he reiterated. “Like…losing Truck made me realize you gotta reach out and grab what you want. Like, I don’t want to wake up without you anymore. Like…I want you to have my babies.”



Shit. Shit. Shit.

My heart thumped in my chest, pulsed at the tips of my fingers and toes, slammed against the roof of my mouth. I was going to pass out.

“King…” My voice came out weak and soft.

“Don’t answer yet. Just know that’s what I want, Jupiter. I want to call you baby forever.” He kissed my cheek and it was the sweetest thing in the fucking world.

“First,” I said, holding my finger in the air. “You don’t get to tell me what to do. If I want to answer now, I will. Second, I want to be your baby forever.”

“You do?” His eyebrows lifted.

“I do,” I nodded.

“You wanna have my babies? Little baby Jujus and Kings?” His question drudged up fear and uncertainty, making my knees loose.

“I don’t know. A part of me does.” I swallowed and toyed with my hair. “I want everything with you that I never thought I wanted before, King. I never thought there was anyone out there who could match me.”

“Who could tame your little ass,” he interjected, biting my neck. The pricking sensation made me warm all over.

“You still haven’t tamed me. Anyway,” I scoffed. “I can see myself being happy with you. Crazy as hell, but still happy. The thought of having kids scares me so bad…”

“I’m not here to pressure you, Ju.”

“I know. I don’t feel pressured I just feel…confused about it for the first time ever. Before you, I was dead set against kids but now the thought doesn’t seem so bad.”
