Page 55 of Too Good to Be True

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“This isn’t up for discussion.”

“It so is.”

“What’s happening?” Lou asked from behind us.

“The girls are moving you and Daphne to different rooms,” Ian told her.

“Why?” Lou asked, squeezing around us and sending greeting smiles to Bonnie and Harriet, also Rebecca, who’d just walked in.

“Because your room is shit,” Ian, King of Honesty, announced.

Lou bit her lip, not about to confirm, but what he spoke was so true, she didn’t have it in her to deny.

“And because Dorothy Clifton stayed in Daphne’s current room,” Ian went on.

“Oh my God!” Lou cried, her face draining of color.

“Now look what you’ve done,” I snapped at Ian.

And Lou totally lost it.

It was nearly a shout when she exclaimed, “I can’t believe they put you in her…her…room! That’s diabolical!”

“See, samesies,” Rebecca whispered to Harriett.

Harriet gave a fake shiver.

“Shh,” Bonnie shushed.

“It’s fine,” I assured everyone.

“She’s not sleeping,” Ian told on me. “She’s having bad dreams.”

I tore my hand from his. “Oh my God, will you shut up?”

He was completely unperturbed. “Yes, when you stop fighting about moving rooms.”

Lou spoke. “You’re moving rooms. We’re both moving rooms. This is…no.”

Lou gave me the hand when I opened my mouth to speak.

I closed my mouth.

“We’re moving,” she decreed. “I like irises. I also like poppies. But I want to be close to you and you are not sleeping another night in that room.”

Why was I fighting this?

“Okay, whatever, everybody chill,” I muttered.

“God, I have a headache,” Lou complained as she moved toward Bonnie’s workbench.

I squinted at Lou’s back because that was headache number two so far. She had bad head pain, and it wasn’t infrequent. But then she’d take something, rest, and be okay.

“You need coffee,” Bonnie prescribed, turning toward the kettle.

“I’ll take some of that,” I said, starting to follow Lou, but I got caught short when Ian grabbed my hand again. “I’m mad at you,” I told him when I looked back.

I was pulling at his hold.
