Page 67 of Carnage

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His hand lowers to my throat, and his grip tightens, restricting my air. He pulls me to stand. My lips part as I watch his eyes grow cold, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Sweetheart, I’ve been going easy on you. But that is about to change.” Letting go of my neck, I cough as he bends down and picks up the towel and continues to dry me off.

I stare at myself in the mirror in front of me where the his and her sinks are. I’m covered in bruises from Tyson and Miles. From being choked, slapped, and restrained. I feel as hollow as I look.

He tosses the towel to the side and runs his hand up into my hair, gripping it tightly. Then he opens the bathroom door and shoves me into his room.

I stumble to a stop when I see what looks like a smaller version of a hospital bed now by the window and something that resembles a gown wadded up on top of it. I spin around to face him. “Saint—”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Reaching out, he cups my cheek. “But I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep you.”

“Wh-at?” My voice wavers due to the lump in my throat.

He looks over my head and nods, signaling to someone. Before I can react, an arm wraps around my throat from behind. I reach up to grip it, my nails digging into the muscular arm that takes my air away.

I’m lifted off my feet, and I kick and squirm as I’m spun toward the king-sized bed. They fall onto it, me underneath them. Their free hand covers my mouth and face, pinching my nose.

I buck and kick trying to get them off but they’re too heavy, suffocating me. “I’m sorry, baby girl.” I hear a familiar voice rasp in my ear. “I always thought you deserved better.”

My lungs burn, tears roll down my heavy eyes, and my hand fists the sheets. I’m trying to crawl away but can’t get anywhere. My feet kick nothing but air as he lies on top of me.

My body jerks involuntarily, trying to breathe. Dots start to dance across my vision. A soapy taste fills my mouth. My limbs grow heavy, my body abandoning the fight and giving up.

“That’s it, Ash,” Haidyn says softly. “That’s a good girl. Just relax, baby girl.”

I try to breathe, but all it does is suction his large hand to my wet face.

He rolls over onto his back. I think he’s going to let me go, but instead, he wraps his jean-clad thighs around mine, locking my legs in place.

I stare up at the ceiling while his arm tightens around my throat now that he’s got me in a better position like a snake and his hand remains covering my face.

My heavy arms begin to tingle, and they fall to my sides. My body sinks into his muscular one that lies under me. Fresh tears roll down the sides of my face before my eyes close. A calmness washes over me, accepting my fate. Maybe this was the plan all along. To kill me themselves.


Haidyn slidesout from underneath her, and Ashtyn’s head falls to the side. Her eyes are open but unfocused, and she sucks in a ragged breath.

“You could have sedated her,” he offers.

I shake my head. I know our fathers… “They want her awake.” I knew she’d never agree to what I have to do. I had to force her hand. It was my only option. I promised her after what she saw that I’d never hurt her. I didn’t think I’d break that promise so soon.

Picking up the heavy straitjacket that Jessie delivered, I walk over to her where she lies nearly unconscious. “Help me get her dressed.”

We place her arms into the front sleeves, and he jumps onto the bed to kneel behind her while we sit her up and secure her arms around her chest. She’s gasping, still trying to breathe but her body isn’t fighting. I didn’t want to hurt her. I knew the moment Ashtyn saw the straitjacket, she’d be reminded of what happened to the woman brought in by her husband. Having Haidyn choke her out was better than broken bones. They take too long to heal. Plus, she’s already going to have a long road to recovery, mentally and physically. She’s lost all of her family in one day. She thinks I’m all she has left, and I’m about to prove I’m not here to save her.

“Done,” Haidyn states after he’s finished buckling all the straps in the back. He gets up off the bed and I look over her.

The straitjackets Carnage uses are of the strongest material—both canvas and duck cloth. It’s not meant to protect those who wear it from themselves. Ours are meant to torment. The inside is made of burlap linings—to drive our prisoners crazy. So the more you fight, the more painful it will get.

We carry them in multiple sizes. They sent me the smallest one, and I made sure we put it on as tight as possible. Leaving it loose won’t do her any favors.

I had to put her in naked. Our fathers will know if she has clothes on. As much as I want her fully dressed, it just wasn’t an option. If our father’s think I’m going soft on her, they’ll take over. And I won’t let them harm her. I’d rather I do it than them. They’ll kill her because they don’t need her. At least, I’ll keep her alive.

Haidyn helps me lay her down on her back, and I grab the two straps between her legs out from underneath her. I pull them up tightly on either side of her cunt, buckling them below her crossed arms to the front. We have both styles: open crotch—two straps and closed—one strap. It just depends if we want it to keep something inside the person wearing it or leave it open for use.

Then I do the last one that runs vertically across her arms. She won’t be able to move.

“Come on, sweetheart.” I pick her limp body up and carry her over to the stretcher that Jessie also delivered while she was in the bathtub.
