Page 105 of Long Live the King

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I rub my eyes to try to get the sleep out of them as I mentally emerge from the fog of my nap. Rogue is standing in the doorway, his flinty gaze clashing with mine as I sit up.

He steps into my room, kicking the door shut behind him.

“By all means, do come in. Is there a reason you’re abusing my door this way?” I ask drolly. When all else fails at least I have my best friend, sarcasm.

“Is there a reason I came home tonight and you weren’t in my bed?”

I tamp down the pleased feeling that unfurls inside me. Those words shouldn’t make me as happy as they do. I won’t let myself hope that he’s here because he missed me and not because we have a deal and I’m breaking it.

“Sorry, I meant to text you but fell asleep. Speaking of which, you could have texted and I’d have told you. You didn’t have to come all the way out here. And who let you in?”

“Thayer. And I did text.” He grinds out between gritted teeth.

I’d thrown my phone on the other side of the bed when I laid down for my nap. I grimace when I realize it’s on DND and I have a bunch of missed texts, including a few from Rogue.

Asshole: Where the fuck are you?

Asshole: I was looking forward to burying myself in your tight pussy. You can imagine how thrilled I am to find my bed empty.

Followed by ten minutes later.

Asshole: You better be sleeping.

Asshole: Alone.

And finally five minutes later.

Asshole: I’m coming to find you.

I’m surprised he waited that long, that he didn’t immediately tear the campus apart looking for me. I choose to see it as progress.

“As you can see I was asleep and alone like you wanted.”

“Why aren’t you in my bed?”

I try to stuff the butterflies that erupt in my stomach in a metaphorical box and shove that box deep in a metaphorical hole somewhere.

“I have my period. I’m bloated. My stomach hurts. I’m miserable and in pain and I’ve cried twice today already and the forecast for the rest of the night is not looking too good. Having sex sounds about as enticing as putting my finger in an electric pencil sharpener right now so I didn’t think you’d want me to sleep over. I’m sorry you came all the way here for nothing. I’ll come back in a few days when it’s over, promise.”

I add that last word as an olive branch expecting him to reply ‘pinky promise?’ like we usually do. Instead, he looks at me silently for a few more seconds, giving nothing away as usual.

"So you're not upset?"

"Other than at mother nature, no."

He remains silent and because silence makes me uncomfortable, I feel the urge to fill it. "I'm not mad about anything. You and I are fine."

I’m about to add something else because he still doesn't speak, but he turns on his heels and stalks out. I hear the front door close behind him as my shoulders sag. I’m disappointed in myself for being disappointed.

If you needed a sign as to where he stands, that was it, Bellamy.

I lay back down and squeeze my eyes shut to keep moisture that feels suspiciously like tears at bay.

I will not cry a third time today.


Twenty minutes later, I’m still on my bed, staring up at the ceiling and rethinking my every life choice when my door bursts open again.
