Page 112 of Long Live the King

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I turn towards him slowly and my heart nearly beats out of my chest when we come face to face.

He’s standing in the center of the dancefloor surrounded by hundreds of people but he’s all I see. Even dressed in an entirely black suit, he still manages to stand out.

I’ve missed having his presence around. My world is just a little duller when he’s not in it. I even miss his overbearing remarks and the way he orders me about under the guise of using our deal.

My excitement at seeing him fizzles out when I see the look on his face.

His jaw is set. The muscle in his cheek jumps so hard that it looks painful. If I thought I’d seen his eyes darken beforehand, they’re downright black now. They shine against his tanned face, his pupils dilated with unfettered violence.

“Rogue.” I say, unable to keep the silent standoff going any longer.


“What are you doing here?”

“I told you. I have business in Geneva.”

“I mean what are you doinghere? In this club.” I ask, feeling defensive. His tone immediately has my back up.

He’s looking to pick a fight and I’m in the mood to give him one.

“Rhys sent me Thayer’s story. Thought I’d come say hello. Didn’t expect to find you practically fucking another guy in the middle of the club.” He says, speaking in hacked sentences.

I narrow my eyes on him. “You’re the one who’s spent the last couple of days in private cigar rooms and underground burlesque clubs and hasn’t texted. I’m sure you haven’t been spending those nights alone.”

“And what if I haven’t?” He asks, looking for a reaction.

He gets one.

“Screw you.” I say, losing my temper. I stalk off, anger mercifully keeping the tears at bay. Pushing through the crowd, I emerge into a dark hallway.

Rogue comes behind me and grabs my arm, shoving me against the wall. His hand slams down just above my head as he comes to loom over me.

“You think I’ve been fucking other women so you’re here to pick someone up, is that it?” He demands angrily. “Is that what this is, Bellamy? Revenge?”

“I was dancing.” I say, ripping my arm out of his grip and heading down the hall. “Go away, Rogue. Go back to whatever flavor of the month you’ve had keeping you company the last few days.”

I can see the smug smile even without turning around. “Jealousy looks good on you.” He calls out after me.

“You’re one to talk.” I spit out, whipping around to face him. He eats the space between us in less than two steps, his body towering above me as I speak. “You’re the one who tracked me to this club and ran off the guy behind me because you were jealous.”

“You’re damn right I’m jealous.” He sneers, grabbing me by the throat and speaking against my mouth. “Seeing you on IG in this hot little outfit knowing a hundred different guys would be trying to fuck you tonight, only to walk in and find some random wrapped around you with his hands all over your body made me homicidal. It’s no secret that I don’t want anyone else touching you but you keep pushing me.” He adds. “How far were you going to take this, Bellamy? Would you have fucked him?”

He slams his palm against the wall near my head when I don’t say anything. “Answer me Bellamy, or I’m going back in there and choking the fucker to death in front of you. I’ll lay his body at your feet and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.”

He’s crazy enough to do it, the bastard, especially with the deranged look currently shining in his eye.

“No. I wouldn’t have fucked him.” I say. “But I could have if I wanted to.”

“Is that right?” He grinds out, his voice dripping venom.

“You never said you wanted to be exclusive.”

He grabs me by the arm again and yanks me towards the VIP bathroom before kicking it open.

“Everybody get the fuck out.” He demands, his jaw working back and forth as he glares down at me. Because he’s a Royal, they listen. The couple people in the stalls and sitting area avoid my eyes as they duck out.

Once everyone is gone, he releases me and locks the door with a forebodingclick. He loosens his tie and takes a step towards me.

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