Page 118 of Long Live the King

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“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

I bend at the waist and bring my mouth to his in a sensual kiss. His tongue pushes through my lips and spars with mine, turning the kiss into a battle for dominance. I cup the back of his neck and bite his lower lip. He groans into my mouth and brings his other hand to my ass.

“Alright, alright. Enough of that, B. We’re going dancing.”

I pull back at Thayer’s voice, dizzy from her kiss.

“I’ll be back.” I tell him, running my finger along his jaw as I walk off. His hand follows me as far as it can before dropping when I get out of reach.

Thayer grabs my hand and pulls me onto the edge of the dance floor. There’s a direct line of sight from the VIP section to where we’re dancing and I glance back to see Rogue and Rhys watching us.

“It’s borderline scary how he looks at you.” Thayer says, bringing her drink to her lips.

“How does he look at me?”

“Possessive to the extreme. Like he can’t decide if he wants to fuck you or strangle everyone around you to death for looking at you.”

“You know sometimes he likes to choke me.” I say

It’s her turn to choke, this time on her gin and tonic as my words land.

“You’re a freak, B. I feel like Mother Superior next to you.”

It’s an opening to ask how about her sex life with Carter. Thayer is an open book about everything, except this. She gets cagey and quiet whenever I bring it up.

“So Carter, he’s never…?”

“No.” Her tone is closed off and I know I can’t push further.

“It doesn’t matter anyway. This isn’t anything long term. It’s basically just exclusive sex until we get bored.”

“Bellamy, please.” Thayer says with a snort. “If I wanted a comedy show I would go to one.”

I turn my head questioningly towards her. "What do you mean?"

“Oh, you’re serious? Wow, ok.” She clears her throat. “I’m sorry to break the news to you, but you’ve got it bad babe. I don’t know why, believe me I’ve laid awake thinking about this, but you’ve got big time feelings for the psycho. How strong those feelings are, I’m not sure. You’re going to have to dig deep, do a self-eval and let me know. And then let me know if I should book the exorcism for Monday or Tuesday so we can try and get this demon out of you.” She laughs as I smack her playfully.

“Very funny.” I say. “But you’re right. I do have feelings for him.” I add miserably.

“Why the sad face? Apart from the fact that we hated his guts a month ago.”

“He doesn’t feel the same.”

She full on belly laughs at that. “Bellamy, the only one who’s above you on the “got it bad” scale is him.”

Now I know she’s way off base. “You’re wrong. He’s the one who said it was just sex only. That he wasn’t interested in a relationship or, god forbid, love.”

“That man wouldn’t know a feeling if it kicked him in the balls. He’s definitely feeling those little flutters in his chest where a normal human’s heart would be and instead of recognizing the feelings and feeling them he’s trying to bury them further down.” She smacks her forehead with her hand in despair. “Jesus, you’re going to have to teach him everything when you date. Good fucking luck with that one. The good news is what he lacks in romantic emotional maturity he absolutely makes up for in obsession with you.” She says, nodding her head at something behind me.

I turn and see Rogue looking at me as he pulls from his beer. His legs are splayed open in a way that shouldn’t be so attractive but is. His hands drop to his lap, his head tilting back against the wall as his stare burns into me.

I’m surprised I didn’t feel it when it was boring into my back. It’s all I can feel when I turn back towards Thayer.

“He hasn’t looked away from you since we left. Like I said, obsessed. One thing’s for sure; whether he’s bullying you or hot for you, he doesn’t do things in half measures.”

I feel the urge to defend him. “He’s not all bad, you know. He’s changing.” I say taking a sip of my drink.

She grabs my hand and squeezes it. “I know. Anyone who can make you glow like you have been these last few weeks is okay in my book. Psycho or not.” She wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a hug. “But I don’t trust him yet. I haven’t forgotten what he did to you when we first got here.”

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