Page 120 of Long Live the King

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“Why not? I’m going to run it one day.”

“Really?” I ask, surprised.

“When my father dies, it’ll turn over to me. That’s how it’s been for generations since my family created it and it’s continued even after we went public.” He says matter-of-factly.

“Is that what you want?”

“Sure.” He says with a shrug. “The best part of me being CEO though is that it means my dad will be dead. And that day can’t come soon enough.”

I reach a hand out and squeeze his forearm. “I can’t wish anyone death,” I say, “But I wouldn’t turn my nose up at a little bit of light torture if it were to happen.”

He laughs surprisedly, his chest shaking with every chuckle. “I don’t know what I expected you to say, but it wasn’t that.” He says, pulling me into his lap. “Come here.”

“I’ve got to keep you on your toes.” I reply, joining my hands together behind his neck.

“You already do.” He sits back, tilting his head against the seat as he looks at me with warmth burning in his eyes.

No one’s ever looked at me like that. With total focus on me like there’s no world around him. Like if he looks away for even a second, he’ll miss something.

“What about you? Are you close with your dad?”

“Never met him. He made himself scarce when he found out my mom was pregnant.”

He moves a strand of my hair out of my face and places it gently behind my ear. “He missed out.”

"I certainly like to think so."

For a few seconds we just sit as we are, his hand in my hair and mine wrapped around his neck as we stare into each other’s eyes.

“You’ve got an eyelash.”

His eyes widen a fraction. “Where?”

“You have to guess.” I say, gently. “That’s how it goes, right?”

He points at his left cheek.

I shake my head.

He points at his right cheek.

I nod, giving him a smile. “You still get to make a wish.” I tell him.

“Yeah?” He asks, his eyes shining as they look at me. “You’re letting me?”

“I can break the rules sometimes.” I tell him. “That’s how I landed in detention, remember?”

Whatever next evolutionary form butterflies take, they flock in my belly as he laughs again. This is quickly turning into one of my favorite nights of all time.

He buries his face into my neck and sucks in a deep breath. “What are you doing to me?” He grumbles into the skin of my throat, his lips resting against my thrashing heartbeat.

He's asked this before and I wonder if he's any closer to an answer.

He leaves an open mouthed kiss on my throat that has wetness pooling in my lower belly, and pulls back.

“One condition though.” I say.

“Go ahead.”
