Page 136 of Long Live the King

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His answering laugh is cruel. “Did you really think she’d walked out on you? She was planning on leaving me, but she was going to take you with her.” He smooths down his tie, speaking matter-of-factly like we’re chatting about the weather and not the fact that he murdered my mother. The gleam in his eye is terrifying. For the first time, I see the full scope of evil inside him. “I couldn’t let that happen of course. I didn’t mean to kill her, it was her fault really. She came into my office and told me she was leaving and taking you. The next thing I remember is squeezing her throat. Squeezing the life out of that stupid bitch. She really thought she was going to leave me?” He says with another dark, disbelieving laugh. He looks at me as I get to my feet with some difficulty. “She of course begged for you the entire time. Begged me not to kill her little boy.”

My physical reaction is catastrophic. Blood pounds in my ear and the edges of my vision blur. Fury is whipping through my body with such force that it’s taking everything in me not to black out.

“You fucking–” I say, darting towards him.

I’m going to kill him.

Just as fast as I move, he pulls out a gun from the back of his waistband and points it in my direction.

I freeze in my tracks as I stare down the barrel of the gun.

“Go ahead, kill me.” I snarl. “If you don’t, I’ll tell everyone you killed her.”

He tsks me. “For the same reason I didn’t kill you ten years ago, I won’t kill you now. I need my father’s inheritance. Once I have it, I’m afraid I won’t have much reason to keep you around. But until then, you’re safe.”

“You’re fucking delusional if you think this ends any other way than with me calling the police.” I sneer at him. “And why do you need the money in my trust? You have your own fortune.”

“Bad investments.” He says with a dismissive wave of his hand. “And I know for a fact that you won’t say a word to the police. Do you want to know why?”

“There’s nothing you can say that’ll stop me.” I warn him.

“Really?” He says, a fake pensive look on his face. “How about the fact that I’ll torture and murder your little girlfriend if you go within fifty feet of a police station?”

My heart stops in my chest. I physically feel it stutter to a stop as he delivers the verbal blow. I force myself as best I can not to react. I know he’ll be watching my every expression like a hawk, but my eye twitches.

“Bellamy? She’s just a girl I’m fucking, she’s no one important.” I say, hoping he buys the lie.

“She’s not? So you wouldn’t mind if I fuck her myself then?”

I lunge at him with an animalistic snarl. He fires a shot off above my shoulder, freezing me momentarily in place.

He’s completely lost it and suddenly I know the threats he’s making are very real.

“That’s what I thought.” He says with a sneer.

“If you touch her, if you so much as breathe her air again, I’ll show you exactly what I learned growing up with a psychopath.” I say, the promise clear in my tone.

“You don’t threaten me.” He thunders.

I close the gap between me and the gun, letting it rest against my heart as I bump into it. “It’s not a threat, it’s a fucking guarantee.”

I didn’t think the shock of learning my father murdered my mother could be topped, but the moment he threatened Bellamy I realized there were lower levels of hell and pain I could enter.

The thought of him hurting her or hell, being around her in any way, terrifies me. It has the blood stopping in my veins and the air freezing in my lungs.

My mother is long dead and while I want justice for her, the priority is making sure Bellamy is safe and far away from this psychopath’s reach.

If it comes down between the two of them, I choose Bellamy every time. Without hesitation. I feel some shame for abandoning my mother’s cause so easily, but Bell is my future. She’s alive and well.


I have to protect her.

“There’s no need for that,” My father says. “Think about it, what would going to the police do? You have no proof. It would just be a baseless accusation from a disgruntled teenager against his model citizen father. You have nothing to gain from going to the police. Your mother’s been dead for ten years, nothing is going to change that. But you do have something to lose.” He adds. “You hold up your end of the bargain, I’ll hold up mine. No going to the police and she’ll be safe.”

“Fuck you.” I spit at him.

He laughs, the sound winding me up even more. “Seems we have an accord.” He says, walking towards the exit before stopping and throwing parting words over his shoulder. “I’ll expect you to be on your best behavior tonight. And cover those awful tattoos,” He orders, “You’re an embarrassment to the family name.”

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