Page 140 of Long Live the King

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Cheating is so far past the line, there isn’t a world in which I’d forgive him for that. He won’t make a fool of me any longer and he certainly won’t see me break.

“That’s who you want?” I spit out the question. “After everything we’ve been through.”


A one word answer.


My spine snaps to attention and I stand ramrod straight. “Congratulations,” I say, my voice cold as ice. “You deserve each other.”

I turn on my heel, walking out without another word. I feel his eyes boring into my back the whole way out. As I close the door behind me, I wonder if he can hear the sound of my heart hitting the ground and shattering to pieces.

Can he see the gaping wound he leaves behind?

I hear the door click open behind me. Is he really coming after me now?

“Bellamy.” He says, grabbing my wrist.

I wrench my arm out of his hold. “Don’t you fucking touch me. You’ll never touch me again.” I sneer, inches from his face.

“Why are you acting so hurt?” He has the nerve to ask me. “You knew what you were signing up for with me. I never pretended to be nice. I told you from the beginning that I was the villain in your story, not the hero. You’re the one who didn’t listen.”

“That’s a lie.” I snap back. “If you were really the villain in my story, you wouldn’t have let my friends stay over for brunch. You wouldn’t have talked me down from my panic attack. You wouldn’t have spent the night with me when I had my period or organized manicures for me the next day because you knew I’d had a hard time.” I shove him back with all my might, trying to physically distance myself from him as much as I can. My rage must give me additional strength because this time he at least takes a step back. “Maybe I’m naive for not listening to you when you said those words at the beginning of our relationship, but you’re the one whose actions haven’t reflected your intentions. You’re the one who promised you wouldn’t break my heart.” I choke out, my throat constricting. “You’re a liar. You’ve been lying to me this entire time.”

I break down in involuntary tears, sobs racking my body as I stand before him. He takes a step towards me but I throw my hand up to stop his advance and take three steps back to keep my distance.

“Stop.” I say, holding my head high even as the tears stream down my face. “You’ve destroyedeverything.Everything good we had, and for what? A meaningless fuck? Don’t let me keep you.” I add with a laugh that borders on hysterical. “Hope you enjoy it. I’m so done being hurt by you. I’m so done withyou.”

“We’re done.” He concludes, his voice devoid of any emotion.

“We were done the second you decided to fuck someone else.” I thunder, my voice echoing in the empty hall. “You’ve made the biggest mistake of your life. And by the time you realize that’s the case, I’ll have moved on and you’ll be nothing but a bad memory to me.”

Glad to have given that final parting shot, I turn on my heel towards the exit. Shoulders back, chin up, dignity only slightly tarnished.

It’s only as I walk out that I notice Rogue father in the corner of the hallway. He clearly witnessed my humiliation.

My steps falter as I see him, a part of me wondering what will come next for Rogue and if he’ll be safe.

It’s not your problem anymore, Bellamy. He chose someone else.

Why am I even worrying? Now that I’ve left, he’s just going to go back into that room and finish what he started. He’ll fuck her, the way he’s fucked me countless times before. She’ll dig her nails in his back and call his name like I used to.

I scream in frustration, trying to get that image out of my head.

When I get home, the home I share with my friends, not the one of the past few weeks, I fall on my bed. Clutching my knees against my chest, I ball myself up and cry deep into the night.

I don’t understand how we went from perfection to destruction in the blink of an eye.


“Bellamy?” A voice asks. A hand comes down on my shoulder and gently shakes me awake. I must have fallen asleep at some point. There’s sunlight coming into the room from my window, so I assume it’s the next morning. “Are you alright?”

I blink up at Thayer’s voice, parting my eyes with some difficulty. They’re swollen and crusty from hours of crying.

I see Nera and Sixtine’s concerned faces in the doorway.

“What happened, B?” Thayer asks gently. “I saw you run out, but didn’t see why. Rogue looked as equally devastated as you. Did something happen?”
