Page 144 of Long Live the King

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He takes out his card and pays for both shakes.

“You don’t have to do that.” I tell him, although I’m too late.

“I know.” He says, putting his card back into his wallet. “I wanted to.”

We move off to the side, waiting for our milkshakes. My gaze clashes with a pair of familiar eyes as I see Rhys lounging in one of the booths. He’s alone, with books and an empty plate spread out around him.

His gaze moves from my face and slowly slides to the left, taking Jeremy in between narrowed slits.

Clearly, he doesn’t like what he sees.

I know those three have each other’s backs, but I’m no longer Rogue's. What I do is none of his business. If I wanted to, I could fuck Jeremy right in the middle ofBella'sand he wouldn’t have a say.

At this point, I doubt he’d even care.

I return his stare, adding a glare to mine, before turning back to Jeremy who’s still speaking.

“What did you say?”

“I was just asking if you were sure everything between you and Rogue was done. He seemed extra possessive of you at the library grand opening.”

“That’s also the event where he cheated on me, so I assure you everything between us is done. Dead and buried.”

“Shit. Sorry to hear that, I didn’t know.” He cups my shoulder in a comforting gesture.

“Vanilla and chocolate milkshakes for Jeremy!”

He grabs the milkshakes from the counter, handing me mine.

“Are you staying here or…?”

“Going home. I have to study.”

“I’ll walk you out.”

He holds both doors open for me as we walk outside. We’re standing in front of each other, the moment turning uncomfortable. I’m not sure how to say goodbye.

“Well,” I say, rocking back on my heels. “Thanks for the shake. I’ll see you later.”

“Bellamy, wait.” He smiles at me, his lips curling adorably at the corners. “Listen, I know you’re going through a shit time right now and my timing is off, but I wanted to know if you’d like to grab a drink sometime? I’m a good guy, I won’t break your heart, I promise.”

I’m sure he wouldn’t. I’m sure that unlike Rogue, he’d keep that promise. Once again, I find myself asking whatever higher power there is why I couldn’t fall in love with someone like him.

I know it would have been a very content and safe relationship, reflecting exactly the way I lived my life before Switzerland.

Before Rogue.

“I’m sorry, Jeremy, I really am.” I say, taking a step towards him. “I’m not in a place to be with anyone else right now.”

His face falls dejectedly. “I get it. But you’re not ruling it out completely, right? I think we could have fun.”

The look on his face is so earnest, I don’t have it in me to slam the door in his face completely. “One day,maybe. But realistically, I’d say you’d have much better luck trying it on with literally anyone else.” Reaching up, I hug him tightly. “Thank you for the milkshake though. I hope we can be friends.”

He returns the hug, looking down at me with a grin. “Of course. Let me know if you ever need a shoulder to cry on.”

“I promised myself no more tears, actually.” I tell him because if I tell someone, maybe it’ll come true.

He nudges my chin up with his fingers. “Damn right. He doesn’t deserve them.” He says and I give him a small smile. “I’ll see you around.”
