Page 145 of Long Live the King

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I watch him get into his car and wave as he drives away.

Turning back towards my golf cart, I stop in my tracks when I see Rhys. I don’t know how long he’s been standing there, but if the look on his face is anything to go by, he heard that entire conversation.

“Say what you have to say so I can leave.” I tell him with a tired sigh.

“He didn’t touch her.”

I don’t know what I expected him to say, but it certainly wasn’t that.


“He didn’t touch Lyra.”

“Yes he did.”

“There’s no fucking way.” He says, shaking his head. “You’re the only person who matters to him. Other than me and Phoenix, obviously. He won’t talk about this with me which is part of the reason I know something’s afoot here. I don’t have any more information than you do, but I don’t think that he did this.”

“You and Thayer have that belief in common.” I say, dryly.

“Of course we do.” He answers, his mouth stretching into a proud smile. “Clever girl.”

“Look, I’m tired, Rhys.” I tell him with a huge sigh. “I’m tired of thinking about that night and going over every detail wondering if I missed something. I’m tired of debating with people whether my boyfriend –ex-boyfriend– cheated or not when I saw him do it with my own eyes. The truth is he did it. Openly. He then followed me and confirmed it. Case closed, there is no misunderstanding here.”

“Maybe you saw what he wanted you to see and heard what he wanted you to hear. I’m not trying to cause you any more pain,” He adds quickly, seeing my face drop. “I just… Fuck, I don’t know what I’m doing. I guess I just want you to know that he’s obsessed with you. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t slept more than ten hours in the last week nor have I seen him without a scotch bottle glued to his hand since.”

“I don’t care. If the consequences of his actions are making him miserable, he has no one else to blame but himself. He’s the one who cheated. He can go and cry on Lyra’s shoulder for all I care.” I say, lying through clenched teeth.

“She hasn’t come over. He doesn’t give a shit about her, she’s completely expendable to him. I’m telling you there’s something else going on here.” He puts a hand up to silence me when I open my mouth to argue. “You don’t need to believe me, just… keep that in mind the next time a guy hits on you and you think about moving on.”

I laugh humorlessly. “You’re a good friend, Rhys.” I say, hugging him. “But what I do, and who I decide to do it with, are none of your or Rogue's business anymore.”

Wishing I’d driven anything but a golf cart toBella'sbecause I know I’m going to look absolutely moronic driving away, I start the engine and peel out of the parking lot.




“Did you find something?”

“We’ll get the results back by the end of the day.” Müller’s voice comes out over the speakerphone. “They found some DNA on her body and we’re testing it against yours. If it’s your father’s DNA, it should come up as a paternal match. We’d be able to prove his guilt.”

“Good.” I say, nodding even though he can’t see me. “Call me the minute you hear.”

“You got it, boss.”

Hanging up, I pocket my phone and go to resume the music I was listening to when the door opens.

“Guess who I just ran into?” Rhys asks me, walking into the upstairs living room room and sitting down on one of the couches next to me.

“I don’t give a fuck.” I’m not in the mood to deal with Rhys’ jokes today.

“Really? Huh.” He says, surprise coloring his words. “I thought you’d want to know I saw Bellamy. But no matter.” He adds, jumping to his feet and walking to the door with a spring in his step.

He’s playing with me, the fucker. He wants to see if I’ll ask him to tell me. Well fuck him.

