Page 152 of Long Live the King

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“You piece of s–” Rogue shouts, taking a couple hacked strides towards me. The sound of the gun cocking explodes in the silence room, stopping him dead in his tracks. His hands fly up in the air to show his harmlessness as his eyes flit back and forth between me and the gun. There’s real fear in them now. It’s the most vulnerable emotion he’s ever revealed to me and it scares me.

Because Rogue is never afraid. Not even when I saw him getting assaulted by his father.

He was angry and hurt but never scared.

If he’s afraid, then I know I’m in real trouble here.

“Shut the fuck up. You think I won’t do it?” He threatens before pressing the gun to my temple. The ice cold touch of metal against my skin turns fear to absolute, bone-chilling dread. I’m frozen, afraid that even a swallow will set off the trigger. “Give me the money.”

I close my eyes. If I’m going to die here, I don’t want to see this place. Memories of Thayer, my mom and I laughing and having fun loop in my mind like a spinning wheel.

More tears fall down my cheeks.

I don’t want to die. Not like this.

“I’ll sign every cent over to you right now, just–” Rogue answers, faltering. “Don’t hurt her.”

The brief silence is shattered by a siren outside.


Robert’s eyes snap to the window and Rogue uses his momentary distraction to jump on him and tackle him to the ground.

“Rogue!” I yell, helpless.

They roll over, struggling for the gun. It’s clenched between them, clutched tightly in both their grips as they wrestle for dominance.

He’s going to get hurt.A voice screams in my head.

As terrifying as potentially losing my life is him potentially losing him.

I can’t just sit here and watch this. I try dislodging my wrists from the ropes, but they’re skin tight. The only thing I can think of is Drew Barrymore inCharlie’s Angels. Clutching on to the sides of the chair, I try jumping up and back down in the hopes the legs will break.

I let out a frustrated howl when they don’t.

They’re still fighting for the gun, but now Robert has the power position. He’s flipped Rogue on his back and is trying to push the gun towards him.

“Help! Police!” I scream at the top of my lungs. “Please help us!” I jump up and down as I do, hoping the added noise will help direct the police to us and the main house. From what I can see out of the window, there’s no one out front yet. “We’re in the guest house.” I add, shrieking as loud as I can.

A loud bang sounds out in the room.

I whip my head back towards them. “No!”

Neither of them is moving.

“Rogue? Rogue! Are you alright? Please say something.” I say, sobbing now. “I changed my mind. I don’t want you to be the hero. Not if you’re going to risk your life like this. Be the villain.”

There’s movement on the floor and then Rogue emerges, his father rolling off him and falling limply to the floor next to him. Rogue is covered in blood.

“You’re bleeding! Are you alright?”

He gets on his knees and crawls the short distance to me. His hands work to untie the knots, starting first with my ankles.

“I’m fine. He’s the one who got hit.” He says, as he moves to the second knot. “Are you alright?”

My gaze trails up to where his father lies on his back. Blood soaks his shirt and pools around his upper body. I’m frozen by the way it spreads and seeps into the floorboards around him.

His eyes stare vacantly into the distance.

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