Page 155 of Long Live the King

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“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“If you’re here to see Bellamy, that’s not happening. You’ve already done enough damage, I’m not letting you within ten feet of her.” She says, crossing her arms over her chest and straightening to her full height.

“You’re the one I wanted to talk to.”

“What the hell do you want?” She asks, throwing me a distrustful glare.

“Your help getting Bellamy back.”

She huffs out a humorless laugh. “Nope. Did you not hear a single thing I just said?” She says, hiking her bag on her shoulder and starting to walk away.

“Stop.” I thunder after her, and she does. She turns around slowly, staring at me dubiously from her position a few feet away from me. “Look, I’m doing this purely as a courtesy to you as her best friend because she listens to you. And also to make my life easier so you’re not in my way like a guard dog when I try to win her back. But I don’t actually give a damn one way or the other what you think of me or our relationship. If I have to go through you, I will. Bellamy is mine and I’m not stopping until I get her back, whether you approve of that or not.”

She quirks a brow. “Interesting tactic. Are you trying to piss me off?”

“No,” I answer, walking right up to her. “I’m telling you that nothing’s going to get in the way of me getting her back.’

“Why would you want her back? You’re the one who cheated, remember?”

“I didn’t. I made her think I did, but that’s something I’ll explain to her, not you.”

She still looks at me dubiously, unconvinced.

“She’s probably better off without you. She could have anyone she wants.” She throws out, watching my reaction with eagle eyed attention.

“She’ll have me.” I say through gritted teeth, my back ramrod straight and my fists clenched.

“Why’d you do it?”

“To protect her.”


“You know why, Thayer.” I answer, frustration bleeding into my tone. “Don’t make me say the words I haven’t said to her yet.”

I find myself holding my breath as she remains silent, pondering the decision before her. Whatever she decides, there’s nothing that’s going to stop me from going up to see her. I’ll kick down the door if I have to.

“I won’t get in your way.” She finally says. “She can make her own decision.”


Thayer leads me up to their suite and opens the door. Bellamy is in the kitchen, chopping something on a cutting board, her back turned to the door.

“Back already?” She asks, turning around. “Did you forget somet–” Her eyes snap to Thayer standing off to the side. “You let him in?”

Thayer takes a step forward. “He cornered me outside and wouldn’t let me leave until I listened to what he had to say. He’s fucking stubborn that one.” She adds, throwing me a harmless glare. “For what it’s worth, I think you should hear him out. There was a pretty speech about getting you back. I get the appeal B, I really do.”

Bellamy wipes her hands on a kitchen towel and tosses it on the counter.

“I’ll leave you to it.” Thayer says. "Just grabbing this so it's out of reach." She adds, grabbing the knife Bellamy was holding before turning back towards me. “Don’t make me regret trusting you. If you ever hurt my best friend again, I will use your family jewels as Christmas ornaments. Do you understand me?”

I nod and she heads to her bedroom and closes the door.

Bellamy watches her go before looking back at me. We stand there silently for a couple beats before she sighs.

“Well? What do you want?”

“I’m sorry.”
