Page 22 of Long Live the King

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His lips curl up into a smirk.

When I meet his gaze again, I can tell he caught me looking at them.

That’s why he smirked.


“You think this is about a shirt?”

Before I can even process the question, he grinds his still lit cigarette into the middle of the shirt, burning a hole through it.

I falter back a step. “What the hell are you doing?” I cry out, stunned. He doesn’t answer, just taps another cigarette out of the pack and places it between his lips.

“There’s something very wrong with you. You have no idea what I had to do to get that shirt.”

“That’s exactly why you don’t belong here, asking for handouts like a beggar. Go back to whatever shithole you came from.”

Insinuating I got here any other way but through hard work sends heat flaming through my body. It’s the height of irony for a nepotism baby to question my success.

“Unlike you, I didn’t get any handouts, asshole. I put in the work to get to where I am.”

His eye twitches and I know I’m not going to like what comes out of his mouth next. “Only a slut would refer to sucking dick for a scholarship as ‘work’.” He says as a cruel smirk comes to curve his lips.

Everyone around us bursts into laughter and humiliation washes over me.

It’s like that dream you have of being in a room and everyone points at you and laughs but you don’t know why they’re laughing.

Except in this case, I know why they’re laughing and it’s not true.

“That’s-that’s a lie.”

The blood rushing in my ears and the heartbeat thumping in my throat make the words come out with a stutter.

“Can I get a blowie if I put in a good word with Professor Fletcher. Or does that get me only as far as a hand job?” A man with golden hair jeers at me.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask Rogue.

I don’t let my voice waver this time.

“I told you. You don’t belong here.”

I walk away wordlessly, not understanding how I’ve somehow made it worse. I take measured steps so I don’t look like I’m fleeing, but all I want to do is run away.




She turns and walks away, giving me a look at her ass.

I resist the urge to groan.

Fuck, her ass is glorious. Even her jeans can’t stop the bounce as her angry steps take her towards the main building.

Her whole body is a fucking weapon. Curves in the right places and breasts that I know would fit perfectly in my hands.

She flushes when she’s angry.

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