Page 50 of Long Live the King

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“Is that who you’re getting on your knees for next?” Rogue hisses at me savagely. “Good luck getting him hard when he sees it’s you holding his limp dick.”

My hand flies out before I can stop it and cracks against his cheek. His face snaps to the right and stays there for a beat.

He side eyes me before turning back to face me. I go to slap him again but this time he snatches my wrist out of mid air before it can connect with his cheek.

“Fuck you.” I snarl at him, chest heaving laboriously.

“Miss Ward! Mr Royal!” I turn towards the interruption. It’s Professor Duncan, our History teacher. By the stricken look on his face, I know he witnessed at least part of our argument and the physical altercation that followed

“Principal’s office. Now.”




If I thought Bellamy looked pale when Duncan originally caught us, it’s nothing compared to the white sheen of her skin as we sit in Principal Thornton’s office.

Her clothes are still drenched and I wonder if that’s what’s making her look so sick.

She looks like she might faint at any moment.

I keep a wary eye on her as Thornton sits down in his chair.

“Yelling. Cursing. A physical altercation in Professor Duncan’s class. And apparently this isn’t the first incident between you two. I’ve got half a dozen different teachers here complaining of bickering and fighting in their classes.” He rattles off, reading from a file on his desk. “Explain yourselves.”

I stay silent.

Bellamy is in the chair next to mine, shrinking into the seat as if doing her best to try and disappear. She looks worse as time goes on, her color having turned completely ashen before my eyes. There’s none of the usual fire or witty banter that she usually displays when we fight. Like when she taunted me after emerging soaking wet from the pond.

Her hair dripping, her mouth firing off.

She’d looked so fucking stunning.

And now she sits quietly, curled into herself.

I don’t like it.

“Very well.” Thornton says, organizing the pages on his desk. “Royal, don’t think you’re getting out of this one because of your last name. Six weeks of detention for the both of you, and an official admonishment in your permanent school records.”

At his words, Bellamy folds in half over her knees, her head in her hands. Her whole body is shaking.

Thornton keeps talking, unseeing to her reaction. “The Mackley Library is meant to open soon, but I’ll admit we’re behind on shelving the books. You’ll spend the next six weeks cleaning and organizing the library ahead of the grand reopening.”

“Bathroom.” She croaks suddenly, the first word she’s uttered since Duncan caught us. “Can I use the bathroom?”

He waves her off and she runs out of the room. Unease crawls in my stomach when she doesn’t immediately return.

“I’m going to the bathroom as well, I’ll be back.”

“Did you hear what I said?” Thornton asks me.

“Loud and clear, Phil.” I reply, not so subtly reminding him who really has the power here. He may sit behind the desk but only because I let him.

I’m by the door when he answers. “It’s Principal Thornton, Royal.”

“Whatever you say, Phil.” I say, letting the door slam loudly behind me.
