Page 56 of Long Live the King

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But I’d seen something in his eyes when he’d found me in that bathroom, something I knew he wouldn’t easily admit to.


Then he’d calmed me down and sucked my lip. It should have been an awkward thing to do, but it was erotic in its unexpectedness. I'd leaned in and had only cried out when he'd bit me. The pleasure followed by the hint of pain had me almost panting before him.

My phone pings again, this time with a single word.

Unknown number:Bellamy.

I can hear the growling tone of his voice as he texts my name in a one word command. There’s a barely veiled warning there.

Answer or else.

I resist the almost physical urge to reply with the middle finger emoji and darken my screen again. Figures he’d terrorize me for merely existing around him then torment me about my whereabouts when I'm far from him and see no issue with either of those things.

He’s the one who had me pushed me in the pond, unprovoked. The one who then came looking for a second confrontation in World History. He’s the reason my scholarship is at risk now.

Fuck it. I’m sending the middle finger emoji.

The satisfaction is temporary. Here I go again, provoking him. I bring a hand to my forehead with a groan.

What the hell are you doing, Bellamy?

My phone dings and anticipation flutters in my stomach.

Unknown number:Don’t make me come find you. I promise you’ll like our interaction when I do even less than our previous ones.

Bellamy:What part of leave me alone do you not understand? And why do you care where I am, anyway?

I save his number in my phone while I await his response.

Asshole:You should have been back at the pen two hours ago.

My mouth gapes at his message.

Bellamy:Where I go, what I do and who I do it with has nothing to do with you.

On the side, I message Six.

Bellamy:Did you tell Rogue I haven’t come home yet?

Six:Oops, sorry. It slipped out when he mentioned needing to talk to you about detention. Speaking of which… detention???

Bellamy:I’ll explain when I’m back. On my way now.

I stand up, brushing dirt off the back of my jeans. I pack my things and head down the pontoon when my phone dings. I open my message and see a one word reply from Rogue.


I ignore his text and turn off my phone, my revived determination to ignore him powering my steps home.


Mercifully, I only have one class Thursday morning and it goes by uneventfully.

I keep my distance from Rogue at all times, even going so far as avoiding eye contact with him. I feel his stare burn into my back but stand firm and never look back at him.

“Rogue looks like he’s trying to light you on fire with the power of his gaze alone, B.”

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