Page 67 of Long Live the King

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I gape at him. “Why did you do that?”

“Which part?”

Good question. “All of it. And if you say ‘because I can’ again, I’ll strangle you.” I threaten.

He laughs. Not the typical semi-maniacal laugh that I’m used to. The one that he uses to goad or make fun of me. No, this is a real, full belly laugh. His eyes crease, his smile widens to bursting across his face, the sound he makes melodious to my ears.

For a moment, there’s a small crack in his defenses and I get a peek behind the walls. I see a lighter, almost teasing side of him that I don’t think he lets many people see. I really, really wish I hadn’t because a colony of butterflies erupts in my stomach and a pleased smile grows on my face knowing I was the one that made him laugh like that.

In this moment, his raw magnetism is everything. I can understand why every girl at RCA wants him, why they apparently lose their minds over him.

A girl could fall in love with him if she’s not careful.

“I wasn’t kidding.”

“I know you weren’t.” He leans forward, setting a palm down on either side of me. “Your voice was so determined.”

“Answer my question.” I try to create some distance between us and push him back but he resists. “Why did you make him listen to that? That was humiliating. Didn’t you say my screams were only for you or whatever?”

His hand comes up my back and fists a section of my hair as he yanks my head backwards to look up at him. I meet his gaze but he doesn’t meet mine. His eyes are half-lidded and fixed on my parted lips. “You belong to me. He needed to understand that.” His mouth comes down to lick the seam of my lips. “It was a one time thing. He’ll never hear the sounds that come out of your pretty mouth when you come ever again.” He promises darkly.

Trapped in his hold, I can only use my words to defend myself against him. “I don’t belong to you.”

“You do. For the next six weeks, you do.”

He brings his mouth down on mine, claiming me in a controlling kiss. His hand comes to cup my jaw as he sets the pace, first attacking my mouth and then gently, lazily kissing along my jaw and down my throat.

He inhales against the crook of my neck, his breath tickling me and making me giggle.

He takes an almost drunken step back in response.

“Fuck. I’m going to come in my trousers like a prepubescent tween if you make that noise again.”

Him distancing himself from me makes me realize I’m still naked from the waist down, sitting legs spread open in the library. I scramble off of the table as I search for my jeans and underwear.

“Give me my underwear.” I tell him as I reach for my jeans, remembering he stuffed them in his pockets after ripping them off me.

“Not a chance.”

I look up at him, startled. “Why not?”

“They’re mine now.”

“Do you always keep the panties of the girls you hook up with?” I immediately want to smack myself for asking.

The right side of his mouth curves upwards. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

His answer is a well timed reality check of who I’m dealing with here. A hateful, psycho manwhore who’ll be on his knees for someone else tomorrow. “I don’t actually.”

Annoyed, I turn my back to him and put my jeans on, jumping up and down a couple times to get them over my hips and past my ass. A strangled groan sounds behind me and I look at him over my shoulder as I button my pants. “Are you trying to get fucked on that table?” He asks, tipping his chin towards the table I was just laying on.

I give him a disinterested look. “Like I said, I’m not sleeping with you.”

I go to walk past him but his arm snakes out and grabs mine, stopping me in my tracks. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

