Page 73 of Long Live the King

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“Nothing concrete yet.”

“Don't come back here until you do.”

He nods and leaves, the entire exchange having taken five than ten minutes.


I pound on the door so hard, I think it'll crack.

Seconds later,Nera cracks it open and peaks out nervously. Her frown deepens when she sees me standing there.

“What do you want?” She asks, crossing her arms over chest and blocking entry into the apartment.

“You know what I want.” I growl out, annoyed. How does Bellamy already have such protective pitbulls for roommates when she’s been here less than a month?

“She’s not here.”

“Don’t mind if I take a look for myself.” I say, pushing past her and into the apartment.

I barge into her room and find Bellamy sitting on her bed, phone to her ear. She’s in a pink loungewear set with wet hair, clearly fresh out the shower. There’s nothing overtly sexy about her outfit and yet lust flames to life in my body as I take her in.

She looks so fucking innocent, so corruptible. I want to put my mark all over her and dirty her up.

Her gaze flies to mine and her eyes widen as she takes me in. “Mom, sorry I have to go. Something just came up.” She looks away as she answers a question I didn’t hear. “No, don’t worry. It’s nothing important.”

I ignore the growling in my chest at that and stalk up to where she’s sitting. She hangs up the phone, her hand dropping to her lap as she tilts her head to look up at me. With our different positions, I tower over her even more than I usually do.

“Are you going to be alright, Bellamy?” Nera asks from behind me, bringing me back to reality. I’d hyper focused on Bellamy when I walked in and had forgotten where I was or that Nera was here.

“Yeah, thanks for checking.” She answers, giving her a small smile.

“Just scream if you need me. I’ll bring my épée.”

I hear Nera close the door behind her as she leaves. I’m still rooted to the spot, having not moved a muscle. I wait to see what she’ll say.

When I stay silent, she gives an annoyed huff. “Well, what do you want? You’re the one who came to find me.”

“Why did you leave?”

“Why would I stay?” Her tone is both frustrated and vulnerable. She’s asking me to give her a reason.

I don’t have an answer. I don’t know what I’m doing here.

Rubbing the back of my neck with my palm, I consider what to say next. “What time are you coming tonight?”

“Is that really what you came here to ask?”


“You could have texted.”

“Would you have answered?”

“Probably not. But since you came all the way here, I guess I don’t have a choice. I’ll be at yours roughly thirty to forty five minutes after never.”

A growl vibrates in my chest, my temper threatening to make a reappearance. “I’m getting tired of having to remind you of the terms of our deal.”

She gives me a blasé smile. “And I’m getting tired of being mistreated by you. I say we call it even and move on with our respective lives.”
