Page 10 of Pay for Your Lies

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This was right after this brother had died and we’d wanted to support him however we could.

“But I know I’m not wrong.” I finish.

He slams the book shut, downs the glass of whiskey he had sitting next to him and walks out with a parting “fuck you” thrown my way.

He’s getting close to his breaking point when it comes to her, I can feel it.

And I can’t wait for the show.




Letting myself drop onto my bed, I prop my head on my bent forearm and scroll through my phone.

Leaving the dozens of texts from girls asking what I’m doing unanswered, I open up Instagram. I like a recent post from Phoenix of an open book in our library and keep scrolling aimlessly until I fall on Thayer’s latest picture.

It’s a game day pic of her on the field. She’s facing one direction but her body is half twisted in the opposite direction towards the ball behind her. The movement has her signature braid flying in the wind and loose strands fluttering around her cheeks.

Even though she’s about fifteen feet away from the camera, her gaze is the first thing you notice when you look at this picture.

Her eyes are fixated on the ball at her opponent’s feet, the look of determination in them so powerful it’s almost intimidating.


Because I know that look better than anyone. It’s the exact same one that’s etched on my face when I play. And while hers might intimidate her opponents, it’s no match for mine.

Just like she’s no match for me.

As competitive as she is, as far as she would be willing to push herself in order to win, I’d take it another hundred steps further than her.

That’s why there’s no winning for her.

Only how long it’ll take her to accept defeat and how graciously she’ll take it.

Part of me hopes she doesn’t take it graciously at all.

A dirty smirk lifts my lips at the thought.

She could use learning her place and I’m desperate to make her bow down before me.

I’d wanted to fuck her since the moment I met her, but then finding out that she was a football player — and a good one at that — that was an additional, unexpected turn on.

Previously if you’d told me I’d get hard watching a girl dribble a ball down the field, I’d have laughed in your face.

Yesterday, I’d been jogging into position on the field when I’d heard her calling for the ball and turned towards her.

I’d watched her get the ball, lose a defender and score five seconds later, then laugh happily and jump up and down in celebration.

I’d come to a dead stop to watch the scene unfold, had missed a pass, and the other team had taken possession and scored on the same play.

It was practice, but still.

Coach had my bollocks for that one.

My legs are still screaming today from the sixty bleacher runs he had me do yesterday.
