Page 11 of Pay for Your Lies

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Frankly, that moment irritates the shit out of me.

Me, distracted mid play by a girl I met days previously and have only seen a handful of times since?

Out of character and inexcusable.

It makes no sense either. I’ve never had a sustained attraction to someone like this before and I’m frankly not interested in starting to now.

The quicker I fuck her and get her out of my system, the better.

Then life can go back to fucking normal. Preferably as it was before when I didn’t get distracted by melodic laughter, a brilliant smile, and an ass that jiggles hypnotically when she jumps up and down.


Classes are predictably boring the next day.

I mostly stare out the window all day, twirling my pencil in my hand as I put together this afternoon’s practice in my head.

The coaches are going to announce this year’s captains pretty soon, but since I was captain last year Coach has kept my position ongoing to start the season.

Which means I get to lead two practices a week, structuring them how I want and on the areas of focus I think we need.

One of my strengths on the field is being able to identify weaknesses in opposing teams and then exploiting them to get us a win.

Newer offensive strategy? I’m able to read and learn it before their last player and beat him to the ball.

Goalie’s hamstring looks tight? I aim high off the ground, into the corners to best him.

Distracted striker? I steal the ball and leave him chocking on my dust.

And that’s exactly how I’ll break Thayer.

By figuring out what she loves the most – what makes her laugh, what makes her tick – and using that information to infiltrate those walls she keeps built high around herself and taking her down before she can see it coming.

Getting her to her knees and admitting defeat at my feet before she even knows there’s a breach in her defenses.

I’m hard at the thought.

But she’s no defenseless flower to be underestimated. She’s at the very least partly got the same skill I do in identifying soft spots.

That’s why she refuses to call me by my name.

She knows she’s provoking me every time she calls me Mackley. Every time she keeps me at a distance while beckoning others closer.

It infuriates me to hear other people’s names on her lips when she won’t say mine. Especially when she’s said my friends’ names before she’s said mine.

I grind my jaw at the thought and my fist closes, snapping the pencil in half.

My eyes drop to stare at the pieces in my hand, reminding me that I was working on a training plan.

Distracted again.



“God damn it, Rhys. Who fucked you off, mate, and why’d you take it out on us?” Ben moans as he jog-limps to catch up with me. “My legs are completely fucked, you wanker.”

When I’d turned my attention from Thayer back to the training plan, I’d taken my frustration out on the team.
