Page 129 of Pay for Your Lies

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“Sorry.” I lie, giggling again and wrapping my arms around his middle as I set my chin on his chest and look up at him.

He smiles earnestly at me and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, but I can see there’s something like preoccupation still hiding in his gaze.

“Tell me what you were doing with Phoenix.” The anger is gone but I should have known better than to think he’d just let it go.

“He was helping me, that’s all.” Rhys’ eyes narrow, disbelieving, so I recap the night up until the moment he found me. “Devlin came up to me and was saying all kinds of weird things so Phoenix told him to get lost. Then some girl dropped her wine on my white top so I basically browbeat him into giving me his shirt by telling him I’d have no choice but to walk out topless if he didn’t.” I tell him, before adding, “You need to apologize.”

He growls at that, although the sound is nowhere as menacing as it was previously. “I don’t need to apologize for anything. He crossed a line.”

“What line?”

“He knows. Ask him if I owe him an apology.” He says, tipping his chin upwards, “He’ll tell you I didn’t punch him hard enough.”

“Even though he was helping me?”

“It’s because he helped you that he’s getting off easy. I won’t go home and finish the job.” He grins sinisterly, baring his teeth. “What did Devlin say to you?”

Based on his reaction with Phoenix, I know if I tell him the truth, he’ll march out of this bathroom, track Devlin down and gut him like a fish, so I keep it vague.

“Nothing, he was just introducing himself.”

“He’s no one you need to bother remembering.” He grunts possessively.

“Alright, caveman.” I laugh, patting his chest placatingly as I stand on my tip toes and kiss him.

He finishes drying me off, his fingers digging into my sides causing me to giggle again.

With a quiet purr, he wraps his arms around my neck and holds me against him.

“Let’s go to my house.” He says, “Stay with me tonight.” It’s a request, not a question, but he waits to see what I say.

Now that he’s had me and got what he came for, he doesn’t want to stay at this party and spend time together.

He possibly doesn’t even want to be seen together.

“Because you want to fuck me again?” I ask.

Tell me no. Tell me it’s because you want to spend time with me.

“Yes.” He replies, his answer earnest.

A momentary pain shoots through me at his words, a reminder that this is just meant to be a hookup.

The sex is hot and dirty and I want him again just as much as he wants me, but he was a friend before we ever hooked up.

The need to spend time with him and have fun and laugh is dangerous. Now that sex is involved, it blurs the lines in my head.

I can’t let it blur them in my heart.

I knew this would be a casual thing when we started, but it hurts my feelings that he seems to want to keep this a secret.

Phoenix obviously knows and I imagine Rogue does as well, but to the rest of the world it seems he’s content to keep me as just his sneaky link.

I pull away from him and quietly pull on my skirt.

“What’s wrong?” He asks, sensing the change in me. His brow is furrowed and he looks truly confused.

Now that the physical moment is over between us, I’m swirling in my mind again, my brain yearning to define what we’re doing.
