Page 137 of Pay for Your Lies

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Gently, I wrap my arm around her front and guide her back down to the mattress where she rolls onto her back. I jump off the bed and grab my briefs before heading to the bathroom where I clean up.

When I come back into the bedroom, she’s exactly where I left her. Sprawled out on top of the covers, limbs flung about haphazardly, completely unashamed of her nakedness.

Her confidence alone threatens to get me hard again as I take her in. Even when I’ve seen cracks in her facade like when she was anxious before her match, her confidence and self-love still shined bright as the moon to me.

I lean in and kiss her, the move sweet rather than sexual, and she cups my nape and returns it.

Eventually, regretfully, I pull away and clean her up, careful to be gentle with her sore body. When that’s done, I put her underwear back on and get back in bed.

Once I’m lying next to her, she curls instinctually around my body. Her leg wraps around mine and her arm flings out over my chest as her head settles on my shoulder.

She’s asleep in less than a minute, the soft sounds of her breathing soothing the rattling thoughts in my head as I watch her sleep.

I’m insatiable for her in every way and there’s no more dangerous thing to feel than that when you’re actively trying not to fall in love.




When I walk into the kitchen the next morning, Phoenix and Rogue are already there. I grunt out an acknowledgement, scowling at the former as I open the fridge.

“Still breathing?” I ask him, flippantly.

“Still pouting?” Phoenix volleys back.

I narrow my eyes at him as I slam the fridge shut.

“Maybe I should finish what I started after all,” I muse.

“Please,” he chides, getting up and pouring himself a glass of orange juice from the bottle I just took out of the fridge, “You should be thanking me. I helped you stake your claim, albeit inadvertently.”

“You locked yourself in a room with her and gave her your clothes. You put your fucking smell all over her.”

“That’s not exactly how it happened,” he defends.

“So you’d be fine if Rogue did the same thing with Six? Since he’s apparently single now?”

"Watch it," Phoenix snaps, baring his teeth at me, at the same time as Rogue tells me to “shut the fuck up”.

“My point exactly.” I say, resting my case. Pointing at Rogue with my glass, I ask Phoenix, “What’s wrong with him?”

He turns to look back at Rogue where he lies sprawled out on one of the kitchen couches, his arm thrown over his eyes.

He’s disheveled, stinks of whiskey even from where I’m standing, and is wearing the same clothes he’s had on for the past three days.

Rogue is always buttoned up and guarded – seeing him looking this terrible is completely out of the ordinary.

“He’s still pretending he doesn’t care about or miss Bellamy in any way,” Phoenix answers, turning back towards me with a shrug.

“While looking that shite?” I question, semi incredulously.


“Damn, denial is a river in Egypt.”

“Glad we agree.” Phoenix concurs, reaching out to dap my already extended hand.
