Page 138 of Pay for Your Lies

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“Hey, fuckers,” Rogue bites out, raising his head to look at us, “stop talking about me like I’m not right fucking here.”

“You might as well not be with how fucking stupid you’re being,” Phoenix counters.

“It's hard to miss the stench though.” I add helpfully.

Simply put, we really like Bellamy.

We’ve all gotten close over the past few weeks that she’s lived here to the point that we now consider her a friend. Seeing her hurting, even at the hands of our best friend, isn’t fun for us to witness.

“You need to go talk to her. Apologize. Beg her forgiveness. Do what you have to do to get her back. It’s getting sad to watch you mope around here.”

“I don’t want her back,” he replies, lying through gritted teeth. I don’t buy for a second that he cheated on her, not with how infatuated he is.

No, there's something darker going on here and I assume it has to do with his piece of shit father because all roads lead back to him when it comes to bad news.

“Get off me with that shit,” he continues, his voice angry, “Maybe you should focus on telling your girlfriend about your little bet,” he finishes with a sneer.

“Shut the fuck up, she’s right upstairs,” I snap, my heart stopping momentarily at the thought that she might overhear. “And she’s not my girlfriend.”

The truth of the matter is I should never have participated in that bet. The threat of its discovery had loomed over my head for weeks, causing unease and anxiety to brew in my gut.

But it’s won and done now, and the danger is out of the way. We can just move forward like it never happened.

She doesn’t need to know. It’ll just make her think I did this for my standing with the lads and not because I wantedherand I can’t afford to have that distraction during our short time together.

I’m unashamed of how selfish my need to spend time with her makes me, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a ball in my stomach at the thought that she might find out.

He snorts. “Look who’s captaining a luxury cruise down the Nile now.”

I open my mouth to answer but Phoenix cuts in ahead of me.

“Be careful with Devlin,” he warns, “he came up to Thayer at his house. She told me he was just introducing himself but I saw the way he looked at her,” he says, his eyes narrowing with mistrust before he adds, “And I think he was seconds away from telling her about the bet.”

“He won’t,” I say, clenching my fist so hard my skin turns white, “I’ll make sure of it.”

“I’m going to bed,” Rogue bites out with a frustrated breath, angry at the world. He jumps to his feet and marches towards the door. “Rhys?”

“Fuck you,” he says, flipping me off on his way out.

“Fuck you too, sweetheart.” I tell him, returning the gesture and blowing him a kiss with my other hand.

He leaves and a couple of minutes later, Thayer walks into the kitchen wearing her practice kit. She jumps up to sit on the counter, her legs kicking out happily as she gets settled.

“Morning, love,” I say, kissing her softly. She presses her lips back against mine and pulls away with a loud smack.

“Morning, Rhys.”

A choking sound comes from my left and I turn around to see Phoenix set his glass down and hit his chest to clear his airway.

“She calls you Rhys now?” He questions before grinning at me, “You shoulddefinitelybe thanking me.”

“Get out,” I say, lobbing a kitchen roll at him.

He does as instructed, exiting the kitchen with a sharp laugh and leaving me to stand between Thayer’s open legs.

“This reminds me of the party we had where I stood between your legs exactly like this,” I muse.

“And tortured me.”

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