Page 14 of Pay for Your Lies

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“I can do it in one.”

He laughs raucously, clapping my shoulder like we’re mates. I give a long side look at his hand where it’s placed on my traps and he removes it hastily.

“Your arrogance is going to be your downfall one day, Mackley.” He says with a laugh. “And I hope I have a front row seat when it does. You’re on — ten K bet, one month hands off policy. If you fuck her in the next month, you win the money. If not, I do. And then she’s fair game. Shake on it?” He asks me.

I stand and walk up to his extended hand.

At this angle, I tower over him, my body dwarfing his. I look down at his hand through half lowered lids before looking back at him.

“Start counting out those bills. I’ll be back for my money soon.” I tell him, before walking out with Phoenix in tow.

That fucker is still smiling.


“That was as entertaining as I’d hoped it’d be.”

I pause in my tracks at his words.

“Did you orchestrate that?” I ask him, standing on one side of my car while he stands on the other.

“No,” He answers, “Although I did mention how hot Thayer is in passing to Devlin. Seems like that was enough to get him going.” He cuts me a sharp smile, adding, “Bring up Sixtine to me again and I’ll be much less forgiving in my retaliation next time.”

I glare at him, furious. “You crossed a line.”

He shrugs because I’m sure he genuinely doesn’t give a fuck.

“Find your own way home, asshole.” I tell him, opening the driver’s side door and getting in.

He laughs at that.

Fuck him.

I lower the passenger side window and lean towards him. “You better hope I never come across an opportunity to fuck with you like this because I won’t hesitate to use Six as a pawn if it means seeing you twitch, you prick.”

I have enough time to see the smile wipe off his face before I drive off.




I listen to the ringtone as it sounds repeatedly, hoping that he’s going to pick up. After six rings, I lower the phone and hang up.

I called Carter yesterday as well and he didn’t pick up either, sending me a quick text instead.

Carter: Sorry babe, at practice.

Carter: Call u later.

I waited up late, but he never called back.

I woke up to another text from him instead, this time apologizing profusely. Practice had apparently run long and by the time he was done, it was too late to call.

I believe him, at least partially. I follow the rest of the team on IG and they’d all posted stories complaining about a long practice.

But not that long.

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