Page 149 of Pay for Your Lies

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Her eyes flicker up to meet mine as she counters. “Askme.”

“Go out with me.” I tell her, nudging her nose with mine before kissing the corners of her mouth.

“No,” she says and my whole body freezes, including my lips on her face, before she continues, “that’s not a question.”

I think my body visibly sags in relief as I continue dropping small kisses along her lips.

“Please?” I whisper against the crook of her ear. A shiver curls through her as she bends her face towards mine, seeking more contact.

“Hmm…,” she hums, pretending to think about her answer.

“Careful,” I warn, “I’m not a patient man.”

“But you waited for me.” She points out.

I kiss the hollow curve behind her ear, moving down the line of her neck as I lavish her with attention.

“I’d wait for you for a thousand lifetimes if I had to.” I reply, before biting her ear. “But I’d hate every second of not having you in my arms.”

“You’re depriving the world by being opposed to love, you know.” she whispers back. “You’re such a closeted romantic. My answer is yes.”

I pull back and cup her face between my hands. “You’ll be my girlfriend?”

She smiles brightly in response. “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.”

A pleased rumble echoes in my chest at hearing her say it. “Good girl.”

I lean in to kiss her and she drops the bag and her mug of mulled wine, her arms coming to wrap around me instead. She arches into me, looking for additional contact as I have her jump up and wrap her legs around my waist.

I push her up against the wall of the chalet as we keep kissing in a flurry of mouths and tongues and hands reaching for each other.

I wish she wasn’t wearing jeans so I could make her ride my fingers like she rode my cock earlier.

“Your friend’s going to get us kicked out of the Christmas market, Bell.” I hear Rogue’s droll voice deadpan from behind us.

“Myfriend?” Bellamy’s defensive voice joins his as we break apart. “If anything it’syourfriend who’s going to get us kicked out. I mean look at him, he’s a foot taller than her, she’s basically a hostage in this situation.”

We look over at them as Rogue turns to Bellamy with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve been looking at him?”

I’ve seen grown men cower at the icy tone he uses, but Bellamy simply rolls her eyes.

“We’re not doing this,” she tells him before looking back at us, “Come on guys, let’s go on the carousel.”

She grabs Rogue’s hand and shoves it in her pocket with hers as they walk off.

I let Thayer slide down my body slowly, taking advantage of the opportunity to grind her against my cock on the way down. She bends and grabs the bag before handing me two small items wrapped in paper.

I take them from her and unwrap them, revealing two handmade Christmas tree ornaments. One’s a palm sized design of a football carved into an oak tree and the other is two outlines of angels holding hands.

“I saw them and thought of you. They’re nothing fancy but I thought they could be nice on your tree.” She says, watching for my reaction.

“I love them.” I tell her, sincerity ringing in my voice. This thoughtful gesture is doing things to my left rib cage area again. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she says, a pleased smile on her face. Clearly, she saw something in my reaction that she liked. “Let’s go on the carousel.”

She grabs my hand and pulls me after her.

There isn’t enough room for us both to get on the same horse, so we each get one of our own. We sit on parallel horses and hold hands as we move up and down in opposing motions.
