Page 153 of Pay for Your Lies

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I exit the elevator and head to the front door with a smile on my face as I text him a response.

Thayer:I’m on my way.

Thayer:Wearing something very short for easy access.

Rhys:Good girl.

Something purrs in my lower stomach at him calling me that and I push open the door and walk outside.

“Shit,” I curse as I feel the rain hit my head. I put my head down and start jogging towards Six’s car. I look up to make sure I’m going in the right direction and shriek when I see a man standing there. “Shit!”

“Calm down. Stop your screaming.” He says, and I finally recognize Devlin.

He’s standing ominously before me, drenched by the rain and blocking my path to the car. I try to go around him wordlessly, but he matches my step to the side and blocks my way again.

“Move,” I tell him, “You’re in my way.”

I’m getting extremely irritated by these little talks he’s starting to foist on me, but I’m working to conceal it. There’s something volatile in the air and I feel like if I provoked him, he might make me pay for it.

But I also spent an hour and a half perfecting my hair and makeup so I’m not about to stand in the rain for much longer.

“I will. But first of all you and I are going to have a little chat.”

I grit my teeth in aggravation. “My hair and makeup are getting ruined and I have no desire to speak to you. Goodbye.” I say, trying to sidestep him again.

This time, his hand shoots out and grabs my arm in a bruising hold. I thrash around and push his chest to get him away from me. I think I surprise him because he releases me with a scowl.

I fall back a couple of steps as I gape at him.

“What are you doing, are you insane?” I ask him, bewildered.

“You’re going to want to hear what I have to say to you.” He tells me, his face devoid of emotion. When he grabbed me and pulled me close to him, I could smell the alcohol on him.

He’s drunk.

“Well tell me so I can leave.” I say, wrapping my arms around myself. The moment he’s done, I’m running to my car and driving to Rhys’ to tell him. I don’t care what he does to Devlin, so long as he gets him far away from me.

“It’s about Rhys.”

The blood freezes in my veins as I still.

There’s something about the moment before someone tells you bad news. You can almost feel the chemical makeup in the air change around you as the tightening of your lungs makes you hold your breath while you wait for the hammer to fall.

“What about him?”

“Did you really think he wanted to be with you?” He sneers, his voice cutting.

“What do you mean?” I ask, sounding firm as I successfully hide the wobble in my voice.

“Your relationship isn’t real. He’s been lying to you almost since the day you met him.”

“What are you talking about? Stop speaking in riddles and tell me what you have to say so that I can never speak to you again.” I bite out angrily.

Droplets fall off the ends of my hair and onto the thick material of my coat as I wait for him to speak. The rain is pouring so hard that in another five minutes, my hair will be completely wet.

“It was all a bet.” He says, pausing to watch for my reaction. It takes every ounce of willpower in my body to keep my face blank as his words land because I black out.

A wave of emotion rolls through my body, momentarily blinding and deafening me and blocking everything exterior out.
