Page 155 of Pay for Your Lies

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I nod at them and jump into the car.

The drive to Rhys’ house feels interminable as all the permutations of possibilities swirl through my head at once.

I can’t believe that Rhys would do this to me, that he’d have spent all those weeks with me for a bet.

He doesn’t need the money, so why would he even bet on something like this?

Is it just what wealthy people do to entertain themselves?

I don’t see him doing this, but I also don’t see what Devlin gets from making this up.

As I park in the front driveway of his house, I choose to have hope.

To believe in him and what we have together because there’s no way my reality over the past few months has just been an illusion.

I walk into the house and towards the voices I’m hearing come from the kitchen. The three guys are sitting in the lounge area with Bellamy, drinking and chatting as I enter. Rhys’ back is to me so B is the first to notice me, her eyes widening comically as she takes me in.

I’m sure I must look insane drenched as I am from head to toe. Thank God for waterproof mascara at least.

I’m shivering uncontrollably as I stand in the kitchen.

“Are you alright, Thayer?” She asks, concern clear in her voice.

Rhys jumps to his feet when Bellamy says my name and marches towards me in the same stride.

“What the fuck happened to you, Silver?” He growls, rushing towards me, the promise of war for whoever or whatever happened to me clear in his eyes.

Is it a lie too?

I put my hands up, stopping him from advancing further. He stops mid-stride, his eyebrows pulling down into a frown.

“I’m going to ask you a question and I need you to tell me the truth.”

“Alright.” He says.“Tell me what happened to you first. Did someone hurt you?”

I look past him momentarily and see that Bellamy, Rogue, Phoenix have gotten to their feet and are watching our exchange.

I don’t even care. It’s just one question and depending on the answer, either it ends with Rhys and I hugging and us all having fun together tonight, or…


My eyes move back to his where I find confusion and concern shining in his irises.

“Was I a bet?”

Rhys’s face remains stoic. He doesn’t move a muscle, he doesn’t even blink.

He’s not the one who gives it away.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Phoenix flinch and look down and I know.

I know.

Devlin didn’t lie.

He told me the truth.

“Oh my God, Rhys,” I say, bringing my hand up to my mouth in horror. I swallow a painful sob as it tries to break free from my lips and turn away from him.
