Page 167 of Pay for Your Lies

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“That’s a question you have to ask him.”

“I think you might have just answered it.” I say, watching for a reaction.

He simply shrugs and looks at me, the silence between us stretching into long seconds.

When I realize he doesn’t plan on adding anything else, I turn around with a muttered “alrighty” and start to walk away.

His voice gives me pause before I can get too far. “When are you going to forgive him?”

I slowly turn to face him. “I’m not.”

He nods before looking away pensively. I can see the wheels turning as he chooses his next words carefully.

“We’ve been here before you and I.”

A small smile curls my lips, the first in a week. “Something like this, yeah.”

“You helped me get Bellamy back when nobody thought I deserved her.” He clarifies.

It’s my turn to lift a shoulder in a shrug. “I knew how you felt about her.”

He closes the distance in two slow steps. “And I know how he feels about you.” He says, watching me with piercing eyes. “He’s never lied to you about that.”

“You’re asking me to forgive him?”

“I’m asking you not to entirely rule out the possibility of forgiving him.”

“It’s not that easy.” I say, sadly, “I don’t trust him anymore.”

“Then let him earn that trust back. Give him the opportunity to show you how he feels.”

I swallow thickly, feeling my resolve start to slip again.

My heart’s been ready to throw the door wide open and welcome Rhys back, but my head’s been steadfast.

Now, I feel it crack open just the slightest bit. Not enough to let him in, but just enough to let hope peak through.

It wars with my pride, that part of me that begs not to forgive him for how he’s betrayed me.

“I’ll think about it.” I say, before adding, “Thanks.”

He nods in acknowledgement. “Are you heading home?”

“No, I’m going to the computer lab for a bit. I need to work on my essay for English Lit.”

“Alright, I’ll see you around.”

He’s gone before I can say anything else, leaving me feeling more confused than ever.

For some reason I find myself wanting to trust what Rogue is saying even though I know full well that he wouldn’t hesitate to lie for Rhys.


An hour later, I walk back into the lab from the bathroom. I’m focused on my phone, texting the girls that I’ll be home in about thirty minutes, when a voice startles me.

“Hi, love.”

Rhys is standing over my chosen desk, his hands casually tucked in his pockets as he drinks me in with the hungry eyes of a man who sees the sun for the first time after the dregs of winter.
