Page 170 of Pay for Your Lies

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I’m so torn between my head and my heart, stuck at an impasse with two clear paths forward and no idea which I want to take.

“Like I said, I’m not keeping anything from you anymore.” He says, “Do you believe me?”

“I don’t know,” I admit.

His hand slides from my nape to gently grip my jaw. “Maybe you’re not ready to hear it, but I’ll tell you anyway.” He pauses, before adding, “I’m going to marry you one day. I’m going to date you and then I’m going to wife you. It’ll be later than I wanted because I know you’re going to make me wait, but one day I’ll get down on one knee in front of all your friends and family and I’ll swear that I’ll love you until the day I die and I’ll be telling the truth. We’ve told dozens of lies to each other, Silver, but hear me when I say this – there’s no future for you without me in it. I’ll repeat it as many times as it takes for you to believe me and I’ll wait as long as I need to for you to come back to me.”

I love him too. I love him so much that the pain of that affection is just as great as the pain of his betrayal.

My heart pumps wildly in my chest, demanding that I go to him, that I give in and reconcile… but I’m still so unsure. With every declaration, he widens the crack of that door even further.

So I give in an inch.

“I… need time. And space.”

Triumph shines bright in his eyes, like we’re moments away from me telling him I’ve forgiven him. “I can work with that. How long?”

“I don’t know.” I say, before hastily adding, “And I’m not promising anything.”

“Alright.” He nods, accepting. “And we’ll see about that.”

He places a soft kiss on my forehead and my eyes flutter close as I lean into his touch, enjoying feeling his lips on my skin.

A phone dings in the background and he pulls away, but I stay in the moment a few more seconds, wanting to hold onto it for as long as I can.

“Thayer,” he snaps, the change in his voice so sudden it shocks my eyes open.

I look up at him and see his eyes are fixed on my phone where it lies on the table, his jaw set and the muscle in his cheek jumping dangerously.

I look down and see I have a new text.

From Carter.

“Why the fuck is he texting you telling you he misses you?” He snarls, his tone unforgiving.

I grab the phone and unlock it, seeing the text in question in my messages app.

Carter:I miss you.

I haven’t spoken to him since we broke up, not even to check if he made it home safely, so I’m not sure why he’s decided to reach out now.

But if I ever questioned whether I had any lingering feelings for him, this text gives me my answer.

I don’t feel anything. Nothing except a hint of sympathy and sadness that he misses me when I’ve moved on.

I can imagine that’s a painful place to be and I hope that he meets someone soon.

But I am glad to have final confirmation that this previous chapter of my life is definitively behind me. Regardless of where Rhys and I net out, there is no going back to Carter.

But Rhys is out of line for questioning who texts me and why. I’m single after all.

“Are you talking to him again?” He demands, his nostrils flaring and his voice distorted with barely concealed rage.

I let out a laugh. “No. You’re a liar and he’s a cheater. I just can’t catch a break in my love life.”

He doesn’t find that funny.

He rips the phone from my hand, presses the call button next to Carter’s name and brings it up to his ear.
