Page 25 of Pay for Your Lies

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One of them – Devlin I think his name was – gives me a megawatt smile and wave.

“Hey, Thayer.” He says, pausing in front of me.

He’s barely come to a stop in front of me before a hand comes into my field of vision and shoves his shoulder from behind, forcing him to continue walking.

“Move the fuck on, Devlin.” Rhys growls, his stare sharp on his teammate’s back.

Devlin doesn’t even turn around, simply chuckles and walks into the locker room.

Rhys watches him go with a hot-blooded look on his face, but the joking twinkle is back in his eye when he turns towards me.

“This is a first.” He says acknowledging me and the fact that I’ve come looking for him with an easy smile, loosely crossing his arms over his chest as he comes up to me.

“Teach me.”

“What?” Is his surprised answer to me blurting that question out.

“I need you to teach me your style of soccer. Or football. Whatever.” I tell him, waving my hand, “You heard Coach, she thinks I have a lot to learn from you.”

“And you agree?”

I nod, slowly. “Now that I’m team captain, I need to step up my game and, as much as it annoys me to say it, I need your help to make that happen.” He doesn’t immediately say anything, so I continue, “I’m determined, I work hard, and more importantly, when I put my mind to something, I always get it done. You can coach me until I’ve improved.”

He stares at me silently, his expression inscrutable. “And how would I do that?”

“If I knew the answer I wouldn’t need you, would I?” I tell him snarkily.

I’m about to say something when my phone vibrates in my jeans. I pull it out and see Carter’s name on screen.

“The only way this works is if we do it my way.”

I look up at Rhys and see his gaze is laser focused on my screen. I silence the call and put my phone back in my pocket.

I’ll call Carter back later.

“Don’t be cryptic.”

The corner of Rhys’ eyes crinkle as levity enters his gaze. “I’ll do it.” He tells me and something inside me sags in relief. “But you have to commit to training with me every day for the next few weeks. You’ll need to be flexible with your schedule to work around when I’m available as well as around our individual team practices.”

“You want to do this every day? That’s too much.”

“It’s up to you,” He tells me, “But if you want to make significant progress quickly, then the best way to do this is to really commit to it. I can get you to that next level if you give me a few weeks.”

She ponders me for a moment, the look on her face dubious. “Is this all an elaborate ploy to get me to spend time with you?”

“Not an elaborate one, no.” He says with a cheeky smile, one that makes me feel weightless and like I’m floating through a cloudless sky.

I snort at that. “Never mind, this is a bad idea,” I say, shaking my head, “You’re just going to use the time to hit on me. I need to take this seriously.”

“Look,” He answers, this time with a sigh, “I take football very seriously. This isn’t a game for me, it’s my future career. When I say I’m going to play in the Premier League one day, that’s not a dream, it’s an inevitability. So, while I can seem like all I care about is having a laugh and while, yes, I do want to fuck the absolute daylights out of you,” He pauses to emphasize his next words, “I don’t make a joke out of football.”

He continues. “You’re good, really good even, but you need to work on your stamina, your power, your agility, especially when it comes to dribbling, and you need to learn to play like a European. I can get you there.”

“And yes, I want to fuck you. I think I’ll especially want to fuck you when we train together and I see you up close playing the sport we’re both insanely passionate about with your hot fucking legs on display but as long as you know that and that the second you’re ready to dump that gutless fucker that I’ll give you the ride of your life, I’ll try to keep the flirting to a minimum.”

“Unless you take your kit off and play in your bra, in which case I will have to objectify you, sorry.” He says, finishing his diatribe.

It’s all I can do to keep my mouth from hitting the floor at his words. Instead, I say, “Somehow, you talked me into this and right back out of it in one rant.”
