Page 28 of Pay for Your Lies

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Not for the first time, I find myself running away from him. I get to work and start counting down the sets as my lungs burn and my legs beg for mercy.

With six bleacher runs left, I hear my phone ring as I round the bottom and stop to see who it is.

It’s Carter.

Shit, I just realized I never called him back the other day.

With the time difference, it’s just after midnight his time. It’s late, but about the usual time he prefers to call.

Not me.

I’ve told him a couple times now that I wished he would call in the afternoon instead of oftentimes waking me up in the mornings.

It’s especially irritating when I’ve had long days of class and training, and that’s before I add in these extra sessions.

Although, I haven’t told him about those yet.

I’m about to pick up when a sharp voice cuts through my thoughts.

“Don’t answer that.”

I look up and see Rhys looming over me, a tight expression on his face.

“Why not?”

“You don’t answer personal calls during my practice.”

“Why can’t I?”

“Because I said so.” He answers, his tone categorical.

I’m about to argue but stop and think about a team practice with Coach Faulkner. I wouldn’t pause a drill just to answer a call, especially a personal one, if it was her practice.

He deserves the same level of respect.

He’s in his right to ask me that, I guess. It’s a professionalism thing.

With a pointed look at him, I silence my phone and put it back in my bag before turning back towards the bleachers and starting my final six runs.


At the bottom of the bleachers on my fifteenth run, I stumble to the ground, exhausted.

I’m out of breath and gasping for air. I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk tomorrow.

“Well done.” Rhys says, dropping down on the grass and laying next to me.

I flip him off.

His answering chuckle tickles my insides and wraps itself around the muscles of my lower belly.

“What are you doing tonight?”

“I might not make it through the next ten minutes, let alone tonight.”

“You’ll be fine. Just take an ice bath.”

“Yes, sir.” Is my sarcastic reply to his authoritative tone, but I speak without thinking.

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