Page 38 of Pay for Your Lies

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I’m getting distracted by him again.

Clearing my throat, I tell him, “I wasn’t jealous. I was just… protective. As your friend, I need to protect you.”

“You want to protect me from all the hot blondes that want to fuck me?”

“That’s right.” I say, and because that sounds absolutely ridiculous I add, “You’re the captain of the football team, you have a reputation to uphold.”

He chuckles and brings his hand up to finger the line of my necklace. It’s an innocent caress and yet it connects.

His touch barely brushes against my skin, yet it leaves a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

“You sure it’s not because you don’t want them touching me? Sure it’s not because you want me for yourself?”

He hooks his finger under my necklace and uses it to pull me gently towards him as his head bows down to speak the words near my ear.

“You’ve made yourself off limits to me. You don’t get to be annoyed when you see me with other girls.”

He breathes them against my skin like he’s telling me all the filthy things he wants to do to me. I can hear my heart pound in my ears and I’m about to lean in slightly further, but he releases me.

“Break up with him. Until then, I’ll continue to fuck whoever I want.”




I wake up with a groan and clutch my head.

Gatorade. Gatorade and Alka-Seltzer ASAP, otherwise this hangover’s going to see me six feet under.

I stroll into the shared kitchen and find Six drinking a hot tea, looking as amazing as I imagine Gwyneth Paltrow looks first thing in the morning.

I jokingly stop in my tracks halfway to the kitchen. “Why do you look like that and I look like this?”

“I’m excellent at drinking games.” She says with a casual shrug, taking another sip of her tea.

I snort because she’s not lying. I’d say Sixtine is the most even keeled of the four of us. Bellamy’s sensitive, Nera’s stubborn and a force to be reckoned with, and I have a legendary temper.

Six is the peacekeeper and the constant good humor in our group, but I’ve come to learn that when she plays drinking games a totally different side of her comes out.

One that will not lose, no matter the cost. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s lower on the ‘shots taken’ list than the rest of us.

“It might also be the emotional toll that’s taking it out of you.” She adds with a knowing smile on her face.

“What do you mean?”

Nera walks into the kitchen at that exact moment and jumps right in. “Good morning, babes.” She says, before adding “I have a great idea. Why don’t we grab some stuff for brunch and bring it to Bellamy at Rogue’s place?”

“Ooh, I like that idea!” I tell her.

“Right? Because if we just wait for him to let her go, I think we might be waiting a very long time.”

“It does sound like a good idea, but ugh, I really can’t go over there. Phoenix–, he–,” Six says, stumbling over her words. “It’s one thing for me to come to parties, but he might actually kill me if I show up to his house, unannounced and uninvited. And for brunch at that.”

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