Page 41 of Pay for Your Lies

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When she sees me look at her quizzically, she rhetorically asks, “Do you think you’re the only one who can make money off this friendship?”

“What was the bet?”

“I thought he’d find a way to manipulate you into spending time with him.” She points at Nera. “She agreed with me, but she thought you’d categorically refuse. I obviously knew better.”

“It’s not like that. I needed someone to help train me.” I tell her, before adding, “It was my Coach’s advice as well.”

“Sure,” She acquiesces, “And is he the only person on campus who plays soccer?”

Not that our situations have anything in common, but I put Bellamy through a similar interrogation about Rogue.

So, while I’m not surprised she’s cross-examining me regarding Rhys, it feels about five percent as fun being on this side.

“It wasn’t even his idea,” I tell her, “I suggested it.”

I tell them everything that’s happened over the past few days.

“Even better.” She says, throwing her arms up with a laugh.

“Just admit you find him hot, Thayer. We all have eyes.” Nera says.

She laughs loudly when I scowl at her.

“I think that look was confession enough.” Sixtine says.

“Alright, alright. Fine. I think he’s hot. Really hot, illegally hot I’d say even. But that’s it.” I say, making an ‘x’ with my hands, “Like Nera said, I’d have to be blind not to notice. There’s nothing more, I love Carter.”

Bellamy nods. “The first step is admitting you have a problem.” She says with a laugh, before turning serious. “Be careful though. You’re playing with fire, which is one thing, but at this point if you were to get burned I’m not sure you’d hate it, and that’s a whole other set of issues.”

“Don’t worry about me. My friendship with Mackley is under control.”

I catch them giving each other a look, although it’s one that I can’t read.


“Ma chérie,” Six begins, speaking for all of them I think, “Maybe start by asking yourself why you refuse to call him by his first name.”




As usual, Thayer arrives early to practice.

I wonder what mood she’ll be in this afternoon – will she still be ignoring me like earlier today or will she pretend to have moved on?

Even though she denied it this morning, I know she’s jealous and angry about our exchange yesterday when I’d told her I’d keep fucking other people until she got rid of her boyfriend.

I’d had every intention of following through on that promise.

I’d exited the kitchen looking for Tallulah. Up until I sent her away, she’d been giving me less than subtle signs that she wanted me to take her upstairs and fuck her.

But Thayer had momentarily distracted me.

So I’d gone looking for her although my efforts had been half-hearted at best. I’d looked in a couple of rooms and considered texting her, but my cock wouldn’t cooperate.
