Page 46 of Pay for Your Lies

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To leave traces of my time inside her everywhere on her body.

I use my hold to yank and trap her even closer against me.

Her mouth forms a small ‘o’ as a startled gasp leaves her lips.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I growl. Arousal makes my voice nearly unrecognizable.

“I–I didn’t mean to do that.”

“Liar.” I rasp, my other hand wrapping around her neck to pin her in place, so she can’t turn her head from me.

My thumb pushes against her pulse point, feeling for her heartbeat.

Her eyelids flutter to half mast at the move, her eyes staring dazedly at me from underneath them. Lust has her so confused right now, I know she’d let me do anything I wanted.

She just…gives into my touch.

With a muttered curse, I release her and step back.

Come leaks from my dick and into my shorts. I groan as I adjust myself to the least uncomfortable position possible, which isn’t saying much.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Thayer standing frozen like a deer in headlights as she watches me.

As realization dawns on her face at how far she just pushed that line.

“Go home. ” I bark at her, “If you stay here, you’ll be fully responsible for what I do to you next.”

Wisely, she chooses to grab her bag and backtrack off the field.

“Uh, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She says, flustered, “I’ll text you for the time.”




What the fuck, what the fuck, what thefuck.

That’s what I chant to myself as I jog off the field. My heart is thrashing in my chest, the adrenaline in my body making me dizzy.

I’m going to claim temporary insanity.

That’s the only good reason I have for rubbing up against him like that, barely stopping short of dry humping him.

I drop my face in my hands and groan as I think back on it. I’d been annoyed this morning, but the moment I’d gotten on the pitch that bad mood had evaporated.

We’d then had a really tough, really satisfying workout.

And then he’d complimented me.

He’d lauded a couple of my plays and I’d found newfound energy to keep pushing, hoping to have him commend me again, hoping to bask in his attention just one more time.

If this is how I discover I have a praise kink, I’m going to be pissed.

Then he’d been vulnerable, opening up about his parents and why he played soccer. Hearing him talk about it had done something funny to my stomach.

We speak about its role in our lives the same way, with equal parts respect and reverence.

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