Page 59 of Pay for Your Lies

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I open the Instagram app on my phone and go to Thayer’s profile. No new posts since the last time I creeped on her, but there is a new story.

I tap it open and watch.

It’s a video of Bellamy dancing in a club. The location is tagged as Baroque.

She’s dancing seductively, her hips moving to whatever song is playing. She makes eye contact with the camera and beckons suggestively in a ‘come hither’ motion.

The video cuts off moments later, but not before showing a couple guys eyeing her with interest.

My brow furrows. This video was posted to Thayer’s story, but she’s not in it. I turn my volume all the way up and watch it again, this time with sound on.

“Oh,fuck.” I say, chuckling to myself. “He’s going to lose his shit.”

Rogue’s going to go off on one when he sees this video. I can’t help but smile at the thought.

This is just the type of entertainment that was missing from my Saturday night.

I scope out the room and see that Rogue is still standing in the same group as before. Getting up, I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

“Excuse us,” I say, turning towards the shareholders with my most charming smile, “I need to steal him away for a minute.”

With that, I use the pressure on Rogue’s shoulder to push him towards the doorway.

“The fuck was that about?” He asks, irritation clear in his tone.

He’s been in a mood since I met up with him. He’d never admit it, but I know he’s missing Bellamy. This is the longest he’s gone without seeing her since whatever this thing they’re doing started.

I’m about to pour oil on that fire and watch it explode.

“I thought you’d want to see this.” I say, clicking on Thayer’s story and handing him my phone.

I watch his face go from carefully blank to furious in a split second. A spark flames in his eyes and his jaw snaps shut so violently I can hear it.

He watches it three times, his eyes flying all over the screen.

Watching her.

Watching her body.

Watching other men ogle her.

Finally, he looks up at me. “Did you watch this?”


“I’ll carve your eyes out,” He says, thrusting the phone against my chest, “Wipe it from your memory forever.”

I chuckle. “You realize you’ll have to carve a few hundred eyes out, right? She posted it on her public story.” I tell him, before pulling out thepièce de resistance. I hand him the phone back. “Watch it with sound.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Why?”

“Just do it.”

He ups the sound and then presses play again. Thayer’s voice can be heard through the mic as she says,“That’s my best friend! She’s single and up for grabs, gentlemen and gentlemen.”

Rogue is out of the room before she’s even done with her sentence, the door slamming loudly shut behind him. I follow after him, my delighted laughter bouncing off the walls of the hallway as I do.

It’s abruptly cut off when he slams me against the wall, his forearm against my throat. He presses once, violently, and then releases me.
