Page 83 of Pay for Your Lies

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That thought tugs at my stomach and makes me almost light-headed.

Or maybe he’s purposely standing me up to make a point.

I don’t know, but I can’t just wait around, I have to go find out.

I text Six that I need her to come pick me up and I need to borrow her car and she’s at the field less than ten minutes later, driving her car like she stole it.

“Everything alright?” She says as she jumps out and walks over to hug me.

I don’t know what I did in a past life to deserve a friend like her, but I know it was real good.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, I just need to go find Mackley.”

“Okay,” She says, and I’m so thankful she’s not questioning me right now, “I’ll grab your things and take a golf cart home.”

“Thank you so much.” I say, kissing her cheek.

“No problem. Text me when you find me. And don’t forget we’re getting ready together at the apartment tonight.”

“I haven’t!” I yell back at her, running around to the driver’s side. “See you later!”

I drive the route Rhys would take to get to the field from his house, but there’s no sign of him.

Finally, I turn into the long alley that leads up to his mansion and as I get closer to the front door, I notice his car in the driveway.

So he did purposely stand me up.


I park but keep the engine running, sitting quietly for a second and thinking about what to do now.

I want to go confront him but I don’t want to have to deal with explaining to Carter why I’m not at practice but at Rhys’ place instead.

Although this house is so massive, I could probably just sneak in without anyone seeing me,I say to myself as I look up at the large facade and consider it.

The need to see him wins out in the end.

“Fuck it,” I say out loud, turning off the engine and jumping out of the car.

I jog up the front staircase and carefully open the front door, knowing it’s going to be unlocked. Who’d dare break into this place?

I push the door quietly, careful not to let the massive wood creak as it opens. I slither through the opening and into the foyer with the large princess staircase.

I immediately hear noises coming from the kitchen, so I stick to the wall as I head towards the right side of the staircase.

Once I reach the bottom step, I jog up the stairs, thankful that the velvet carpet muffles any noises I might be making.

I turn left and stop in front of the fourth door on the left.

One of the times I came here for a party, I snuck upstairs and tried a few doors until I found his bedroom.

I was curious what it would look like.

If it would reflect the jovial, untroubled outer facade he wears or if it’d be more in line with how he is at his core.

Nuanced, complicated, and darkly possessive.

I’d gone in and discovered it was a mix of both. He had a priceless collection of signed soccer balls and jerseys displayed against navy walls with metallic, industrial art pieces.
