Page 85 of Pay for Your Lies

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I watch her throat work as she swallows, lust keeping my eyelids at half mast.


I hum low in my throat, the sound one of a pleased predator that’s backed its prey into a corner.

I continue advancing towards her, forcing her to step back against the wall before I trap her against it with one hand.

“I love that I could fuck you right now.” I taunt as she stares up at me defiantly. “That I could take you on that bed or on the floor or up against this door, that I could make you scream like I’m sure you never have while he sips a beer in my kitchen. And he’d have no idea what a good little slut his girlfriend is being for me upstairs.”

Her hand shoots out to slap me but I grab it out of mid air.

I make a tutting noise as I pin it down against her body. “If you want me to be rough with you, all you have to do is say the word.”

“Don’t talk to me that way.” She hisses.

“I’ll talk to you however I want when you let your boyfriend come to my house. When you sneak in here like a thief and demand things from me. What did you think was going to happen when you came here, hmm?”

“Why didn’t you come to practice?” She counters.

“To prove a point.” I purr as I rub a finger along her jaw and brush it slightly over her lips.

She partially turns her head, evading my finger but never breaking eye contact.

“What point is that?”

“That you’d choose me.” I tell her, with a slow, Cheshire Cat grin as I step back and break off our contact. “That even with him here and you seeing each other for the first time after being separated for weeks, you’d leave him to come find me. I didn’t expect you to literally have to walk past him to get to me, that turned out to be an unexpected added bonus. It’s almost poetic, if you ask me.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “Is this a joke to you?”

Her words rankle as they remind me of the idiotic bet I made weeks ago. The smile ghosting my lips wipes off my face as I cut her a glare.

“There’s nothing remotely fucking funny about that asshole being here. About imagining him touching you or more when you’re alone.” I tell her, darkness flooding my vision and my every rational thought at that visual. “I told you once before that you were mine and I wasn’t joking. I won’t let him touch you, Thayer. I won’t stand for it. You better find a way to end this relationship once and for all, otherwise I’ll do it myself. And I promise you, you’re not going to like how I choose to handle it.”

“That’s… that’s…” She attempts, but doesn’t finish.

I grab her hands and press them against my chest.

Her eyes flare with desire as her fingers splay along the hard panes of my pecs.

“Feel how fast my heart is beating for you right now.” I whisper.

I keep her hands pressed against me as I walk closer to her, forcing her arms to bend almost completely at the elbow between us.

“Is he who you want or am I?” I hum, barely an audible murmur. She has to lean in imperceptibly to hear me. “It’s me. You dream of me. You touch yourself to me. You wantme.”

She moves her hands of her own accord, caressing the ridges of my chest before moving them down to my abdomen.

“So hard.” She mumbles, almost to herself. She continues absentmindedly caressing me before opening her mouth to speak. “I–”

“Thayer!” I hear Bellamy whisper-hiss in the hallway.

Thayer’s spine snaps to rigid attention at the voice and her hands fall away off me.

“I have to go. Don’t come out right away.” She says, her tone almost pleading.

“Wait.” I command, keeping the door closed with one hand.

Her eyes fly up to mine as she waits expectantly to see what I’m going to say.
