Page 93 of Pay for Your Lies

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“Never. Again.” He grunts angrily against my ear.

His right hand slides across my stomach to curl me closer against him while his left grabs a fistful of my hair and uses it to completely angle back my face so that I have no choice but to look at him.

The movement makes my hair sweep off my shoulder and reveals the column of my neck.

The oxygen feels like it’s sucked out of the room as Rhys’ gaze connects with my neck and I watch all the color in his eyes get swallowed up by the black pools of rage they become.

“Did he give you a fucking hickey?” He snarls.

His voice is furious, the words powerful enough it feels like his rib cage rattles against my back.


“You let him touch you?” He grits out, rage distorting his voice. He tugs at my hair again sending a sharp pain through the base of my skull, but it only excites me further.

“No, it’s a burn not a hickey. It’s from my hair straightener.” I add quickly.

He briefly releases my hip to rub his thumb over the red burn on my neck, his eyes caressing my face as I wince at the contact and look away.

He grabs my hip again and uses the hold on my hair to bring my attention to him. His own eyes are hooded with desire as they fixate on my mouth.

“What about your mouth?” He asks, darkly, “Has he kissed you? Have you given him my lips?”

Him calling them “his lips” shouldn’t send a pang of pleasure shooting to my pussy, but it does.

I shake my head no and he moans low in his throat in satisfaction. The sound alone makes my pussy throb and sends liquid heat pooling to my lower belly.

He bends his neck and licks the middle of my lips once in an upward flick and I almost come on the spot.

It’s barely a touch, but I’m starving.

“I can’t wait to claim these lips. To suck them and bite them like I’ve been imagining. To have them stretched tight around my cock as you suck me off.” He says, the gleam in his eye almost sadistic as he stares at me. “You know what, I’m not sure I can wait.”

He turns me back around so that I face Carter, who’s still passed out on the couch.

Oh, fuck.

I completely forgot he was here.

I thrash against Rhys’ chest, but he holds me with very little effort.

“Let me go,” I hiss, “We can’t do this here.” I say, desperately, before rectifying. “We can’t do this at all.”

“I think I should fuck you right here while he’s in the same room.” He threatens venomously against my ear. “Show him what a fucking idiot he is for leaving you unguarded around me when everyone can see how much I want you.”

With the way he’s talking to me right now, he could do whatever he wanted to me and with very little convincing I’d say yes.

It’s dangerous for me to be anywhere near him right now, let alone in his arms.

“N-no.” I say and squeal when I feel Rhys’ mouth close over my neck, just below the burn.

He sucks the flesh into his mouth and a broken moan leaves my mouth as I feel his warm tongue caress the tender skin.

“No? Are you sure?” He asks, releasing my neck with apop, “The way you’re moaning, you sound like you might die if I don’t fuck you right now.”

I shake my head. “Don’t.”

“I don’t think I can stop.” He groans against my ear before biting my earlobe. “You have no idea how much I want to fuck you.”
