Page 92 of Pay for Your Lies

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She stops where she stands and tilts her head to the side, looking at me quizzically. “I didn’t send him to you.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I crossed paths with him that morning, yeah, but he’s the one who told me he was going to see you. He thought you might need someone there with you in the morning.” She says, “Did he tell you I sent him?”


“I wonder why he said that. It was his idea.” She tells me with an ‘I don’t know’ lift of her shoulders.

We’d gone back downstairs and met up with Rogue, Phoenix, and Carter before Rhys eventually made an appearance.

I held my breath the entire time they were in the same room together, a breath I almost choked on when Carter agreed to stay and get ready with them.

I’d desperately wanted him to come home with me so that we could talk, so that I could tell him how I felt.

So I could finally get these words that I hadn’t realized were weighing me down off my chest.

But, unsurprisingly, he’d chosen new friends over me and had been a showboating asshole in doing so.

Rhys was the one who’d defended me.

You could have heard a pin drop in that room, but all I was aware of was the anger coming off of Rhys in waves.

I thought it was going to come to blows, but thankfully Carter apologized.

So, in the context of all of that, no, I don’t particularly want to stay in this room babysitting a passed out Carter.

“No. He can just sleep it off here alone until I’m ready to go. I’m not letting him get in the way of me having a good time tonight.”

“Yes, girl.” She says encouragingly, her accent curling around every letter.

I look down at him sprawled out on the couch, limbs going every which way. He’s going to wake up in a world of pain if I let him sleep like that.

With a sigh, I bend over him and start repositioning him. “I’m just going to try to get him a little more comfortable. Can you see if you can find a water bottle? I’m sure he’s going to need it when he wakes up.”

“Sure thing.” She says, and leaves.

I grab Carter by his shoulders and tug as hard as I can to get his entire body on the couch. I’m tucking his left arm under him when I hear the door open and close with a soft click behind me.

“Did you find some?” I ask her, not turning around.

Instead of getting an answer, a large hand grabs my hip from behind. I open my mouth to scream, but another hand covers my lips and muffles the sound completely.

I’m twisted away from Carter and yanked against a hard body, the hand on my mouth angling my face to the right as a hot breath hits my cheek and a growl thunders in my ear.

“What are you doing in here with him?”

I internally sag with relief when I recognize Rhys’ voice. Externally, I hum against his hand, trying to signal to him that I can’t speak with his palm on my mouth like that.

He releases me, but his hand slides down my mouth and over my neck to grab my throat. I’m sure he can feel the frantic beat of my heart as it jumps against my skin.

“Why did you get him that drunk?” I counter, my voice a whisper because Carter is asleep right there.

He twists me around and buries his face in my hair, groaning as he takes a deep inhale.

“You know why.”

“You don’t want him to touch me?”
