Page 55 of Love in the Dark

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I grab the cap and put it on under Phoenix’s watchful eyes before heading for the door.

“Novak,” Phoenix calls when my hand is on the handle. I turn around to face him. “What were you thinking about?” He takes a step towards me before I can answer, crossing his arms again. “Or rather,whowere you thinking about?”

My eyes narrow on him, my jaw clenching. “What makes you think I was thinking of anyone?”

“I only hit like that when I’m thinking of someone,” he answers, and for the first time there’s a crack in his facial armor. It’s over and gone in a heartbeat, but it’s there long enough for me to see it.

Looks like Phoenix might have a weakness in the form of the ‘someone’ he just referenced. It’s my turn to store that information away in my own mind.

I wonder if I know her, if she’s in one of my classes.

“I wasn’t thinking of anyone,” I tell him. “Unless you count the fact that I was taking out my frustrations at having to teach the same shit over and over again to classes of students who’d rather crawl on their hands and knees through fields of broken glass than listen to what determines exchange rates. Not that I can honestly blame them.”

His answering smirk tells me that my speech, while true, doesn’t necessarily convince him.

He bends at the waist and reaches into his own bag, pulling out a black hoodie.I snatch it out of the air when he tosses it to me. I bring my arm down to my side, surprised by this act of mercy. He simply doesn’t look like the type.

Phoenix turns away, towards who I now understand is his coach. He shows him the clipboard, checks his phone, and announces that the previous fight ended early and Phoenix is up next.

I throw the hoodie on and draw the hood up over my cap.

If this wasn’t a decrepit factory, I’m sure I’d look like I was trying to rob the joint but as it is, I think I’ll fit right in.

“Don’t come back here, Novak.” I look up at Phoenix. “This place isn’t for you.”

It’s my turn to grin. “You know fuck all about what’s for me or not. See you in class, Sinclair.”

I don’t need to ask him to keep this meeting a secret and neither does he. We won’t say anything. He tips his chin at me and I return it.I don’t wish him good luck before I walk out.

Something tells me he’s not going to need it.

Keeping my chin tucked so my face is hidden by the brim of my cap, I head out into the dark hallway. There are only a few people milling about and they all seem to be part of the different fighters’ teams. No one pays attention to me.

I keep my head low and emerge into the crowded main room. It’s completely unrecognizable from when I walked through only hours before. The energy is electric. People scream and cheer, pressing against each other as they try to get closer to their favored fighters.

I shouldn’t stay. I should take advantage of the fact that everyone’s’ eyes are glued on center stage to sneak out. But I’m powerless to resist this kind of atmosphere and I find myself pushing into the throng of people instead.

I stop in my tracks when I see the siren who haunts my nightmares herself, come to try and tempt me away from my current righteous path.

And tonight, I’m in the mood to give in to temptation.

Her face is almost pressed against the ropes as she looks up into the ring. The look on her face borders on adoring as Phoenix steps onto the mat.

My stomach clenches in reaction. Is she there for him? Wait. Is she who Phoenix thinks about when he’s fighting?

The thought takes venomous root and poisons everything around it. I don’t have time to question the white-hot possessiveness that burns through me, not when it’s already propelling me to her.

I’m only vaguely aware of my path towards her. I shoulder past screaming fans, my gaze hyper fixated on the back of her head, down the slope of her back, and to the curve of her ass. She’s wearing a black crop top and baggy gray washed jeans. My dick pulses in my shorts at seeing those bare flashes of skin.

She feels too beautiful, too delicate to be in a place like this.

I know she’d rip my balls off if I said that to her though,I think to myself.

To my right, Phoenix knocks out the other fighter with one punch, dropping him to the mat in a pile of lifeless limbs.

The crowd goes absolutely wild.

I watch Nera jump up and down, screaming her heart out and maybe pinching mine in the process.
